Injured (SBI + Dreamsmp)

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"Revoke the citizenship of Wilbur Soot and Tommy Innit!"
The words echo through Tommy's head. Citizenship... revoked?
He faintly hears shouting, but it was faded. His breath was shallow and uneaven. Somebody, Wilbur, grabs his shoulder, pulling him out of the way just as an arrow lands where he used to stand. His hearing comes back into focus.
"TOMMY RUN! TOMMY RUN! TOMMY WE HAVE TO RUN!" He starts running, Tommy quickly running after him. They duck around a corner, but Wilbur stumbles, gasping in pain.
"W-Wilbur?" Tommy turns to see that an arrow had flown straight through his side.
"Tommy, Run! Go!"
"B-But! I can't leave you!"
"I'm not getting out of here anyways, at least I can buy you some time!"
"Wilbur, I'm not leaving you!"
"Tommy... You were always too loyal for your own goddamned good," Wilbur chuckles dryly, shaking his head sadly with a grin. He leans against the wall, hand pressed against the wound. Tears streamed down Tommy's face.
"You can't... I'm not giving up! We're getting out of here!"
"They're over here, guys! Come on!"
"Tommy, GO!"
"Not without you!" He pulls out his sword, taking a stance. He would fight the world for Wilbur, because he knew the other would do the same for him. He was basically his older brother.
"You idiot..." a tear streaks down Wilbur's face, but his words are fond. If there was anyone he would like to have by his side when he died, it was Tommy.
He deflects George's blade, pushing him back and parrying a blow from Quackity. He ducks under an arrow from HBomb, and his blade meets Tubbo's. There are tears in his eyes.
"I don't want to fight you Tommy!" He cries.
"We don't have a choice. I'm sorry..." He pushes him back, spinning to block another blow from George, sparks flying as their blades scrape against eachother.
"You fight well, kid." The deep voice makes quite a few people jump, Wilbur's free hand flying to his mouth. George is flung a few feet into the ground, Quackity following. Arrows pin them down. They struggle to free themselves but the arrows are pretty deep down. Tubbo and Hbomb rush to help them. Eret watches, still in shock of it all. Niki was crying, trying to get to Wilbur, to help. She was being held back by Fundy, but he didn't look pleased either. Schlatt was frowning from the podium.
"Let's get you and Wilbur out of here." the man emerged from the shadows. George's eyes widen, and he mutters a soft 'shit...'
"Well, what do you know..." Eret grins.
Red cape, white button up, tall black boots. A boar skull over half of his face, golden crown rested snugly on his head. He picks up Wilbur, who was woozy and dazed from bloodloss, with ease and turns to Tommy.
"Who are you?"
"A friend. We can talk more later, kid. If we don't get Wil healed up soon the blood loss will get him. You coming or not?" he turns and starts jogging into the woods. Tommy rushes after him.

"There we go, all patched up. Don't suppose you have any healing potions, kid?"
"If I did, I would have already gave one to him."
"Fair enough. Here, let me get a fire started. I'll answer any questions you have soon."
He watches as the man piles up firewood, starting a fire and rolling his shoulders, sitting down next to it and relaxing. He takes off his cape, draping it over Wilbur, who was asleep. Tommy sits next to Wilbur, idly running his hands through the other's hair gently, almost like he was reassuring himself the other was still there.
"Alright, kid. Ask any questions you want."
"Who are you?" He asks again.
"The name's Technoblade."
"Why... are you helping us?"
"Wilbur is my friend, and I saw you two fought against Dream, so that's always a plus in my book."
"You don't like Dream?"
"I certainly respect the guy. He and I have a bit of a friendly rivalry, so I concider him an enemy. And the enemy of my enemy is my friend."
"How long have you been here?"
"On the server? Eh... maybe three, four months? The war between you and Dream was in full swing when I showed up. Dunno how I got here, but I've just been in the background."
"Who all knows you're here?"
"Before Schlatt went psycho? I think Dream caught a glimpse of me once or twice. Eret suspected my existence, I heard him mumble about it once after I shot an arrow at him from the shadows, twice. Once while he and Dream made the deal, the second time after he betrayed you. Remember that arrow that shot from nowhere and you all assumed was some invisable skeleton? The only two who really knew were Skeppy and Bad, though. I snuck into their place once to hide from an army of mobs, thinking they were asleep. They were not asleep. Bad gave me a muffin though, that was nice of him. They promised not to tell. Now everyone knows, though. Anything else?"
"Uh... I guess, who all do you know and how?"
"I know Dream because he and I had a duel once. I know Eret because he was in a world with Wilbur and I. I know Wilbur and Schlatt because I won a tournament with both of them. I know Skeppy because we kept running into eachother on Hypixel. I know Bad because I know Skeppy. I think that's about it. I think George heard of me through Dream, but I've never met him. Same with Sapnap."
"Oh... thanks for answering my questions, I guess."
"No problem kid. How do you know Wilbur?"
"Oh, right! My name is Tommy! Wilbur and I met about a year ago on some random server, and we've just been hanging out ever since! He's like my older brother..." He turns to look at Wilbur, sighing. "I hope he's okay..."
"Wilbur's tough, Tommy. One of the toughest guys I know. He'll pull through. He's too stubborn not to."

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