Saving Tubbo (SPOILERS)

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SEMI SPOILERS FOR THE FESTIVAL! YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED! And by mini spoilers, there's like half a minute where it follows the story-line of the festival- Death is semi permanent? Like, if you die, you get transported to another world, and it is possible to get them back if you can find which world they're in, but only experienced admins can do that. The exceptions are mini-game servers like Hypixel, where if you die, you just come back in the game lobby.

Techno watches Fundy dunk Niki with amusement. She climbs out with a laugh, high-fiving Fundy.
"Techno, do something cool!" Bad cheers. Techno sighs, then pulls out his trident, stepping into the water and throwing it. He soars straight into the dunk tank, making everyone cheer. He smiles slightly, leaning against the dunk tank wall.
"Is he gonna get out or?" Awesam asks with a chuckle. He just signs, "how much will you give me if I stay here for five minutes"
Niki signs back "Techno no you're gonna drown"
"Technoblade never dies Niki"
"Just get out" he sighs, bubbles coming from his mouth, and pulls himself out gracefully.
"Dude, you were in there for like three minutes! How long can you hold your breath?"
"About six minutes."
"That's...awesome... and weird..."
"Everybody to the podium please!" He hears Tubbo chirp into the microphone. They gather at the podium, Techno chilling casually in a front row seat. He saw how nervous the others were around him, aside from Niki, Awesam, and Bad, and it amused him. Tubbo gave his speech, and went to leave when Quackity grabbed him, holding his wrists behind his back. Schlatt frowns at him, expression darkening.
"I'm afraid we have some bad news, people. Our lovable Tubbo a spy!" There are gasps throughout the crowd, and Techno stands up, putting on his mask. He pretends it's so he's ready to fight, but in reality, its to hide his worry. Hes concerned for Tubbos safety. Out of the corner of his vision, he sees Wilbur grab Tommy's arm to keep him from running over. Schlatt turns to Techno. It starts to rain.
"Let the kid go, Schlatt."
"Oh, Techno, of course, I nearly forgot. Of course you would want to fight, even despite our hospitality. Oh well; men, take care of him for me would you?"
Ponk and Purpled are the only ones who seem brave enough to try. Techno just blocks their swords, ducking between them to get to the stage where Tubbo was struggling to escape Quackity's grip. He throws his trident, landing on the stage. He pushes Schlatt off the stage, but he's caught by Fundy. 
"Let him go, Quackity."
"You can't save him, Techno, leave and I'll see what I can do for him." Quackity hisses softly, "I'm not happy with this either but even if I let him go, you couldn't get out with him. Even you can't fight ten people while protecting the kid." Techno glances at the crowd, who had gotten to their feet. Awesam, Niki, and Bad were trying to stop everyone, but they had pulled out their bows and started to aim at Techno.
"It's okay, Techno, just go! You can't help me if you're dead!" He hesitates, but nods, turning to throw his trident.
"I'm trusting you, Quackity. Don't let the kid get hurt, or it's on your head." He riptides away.
At base, Wilbur ran in through the tunnels, dragging a struggling Tommy. Wilbur had lost the crazy glint in his eyes, and Tommy looked to be in a crazed panic.
"Wilbur! We have to go back! We have to save him!"
"Tommy, we can't, it's too dangerous!"
"It's Tubbo! We can't leave him!"
"We don't have a choice, Tommy!"
"I'm with Wilbur, Tommy. It's far too dangerous; we'll get him later, when tensions have calmed.
"You! You had the chance to save him, but you ran away! Why!? Why didn't you help him!?"
"I didn't have a choice."
Tommy starts yelling at him, shaking, he runs up, trying to shove him. Techno stumbles back a step, but just keeps staring, silently, not answering Tommy's demands. He starts to pound his fists into the other's chest; Wilbur goes to stop him but Techno locks eyes with him, shaking his head slightly. He doesn't stop him or defend himself, he just lets Tommy attack him. It didn't hurt him much anyways. Eventually, Tommy starts crying, sobbing as his hits get softer and softer. His arms fall limp to his side, and then Techno steps forwards. Expecting to be told off, mocked, ridiculed, maybe even hit, he flinches, but instead Techno just wraps his arms around him gently, resting his chin on the other's head. Tommy starts to shake more, just sobbing harder, collapsing into the other's hold. Techno just stands there holding him, not speaking or doing anything, just holding him and letting him cry. Wilbur watches with widened eyes; Techno had never showed this level of compassion before. Not that he wasn't capable of it, of course, it just... surprised him. How Techno dropped his calm, collected, confident demeanor to be there for Tommy. Wilbur goes and sits down against the wall, resting his head in his hands. This was all his fault; if he hadn't convinced Tubbo to be their spy, if he hadn't lost his cool, if he had just been prepared, Tubbo wouldn't be captured. An hour later, Tommy sniffles, stepping back and wiping his eyes.
"You okay?"
"Yeah... thank you..."
"Of course. I know how you feel. Watching a friend get captured when you can't do anything. Quackity said he would do his best to keep Tubbo from getting hurt; he's probably just locked up. Besides, it's Tubbo. Even Schlatt's most loyal followers wouldn't be very happy at all if he got hurt. Bad would have an outrage, and trust me, you don't want to be anywhere NEAR Niki when she's angry. He's going to be okay."
"Promise. It's been a long day, you two should get some sleep."
"Yeah... yeah, you're right. And Tommy? I'm... sorry. For uh... loosing my cool."
"It happens to all of us. All that matters is you're back now."
Techno watches them head off to bed, smiling softly from behind his mask, which he takes off. He wipes away a tear, turning to the tunnel.
He had work to do.

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