Focus (Technoblade)

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Me? Using writing and my favorite youtuber/ main source of seratonin to vent? More likely than you think.

Techno yawned, downs a cup of coffee, and leaves to Fruit's place for training. As he walks, the sound of crunching leaves calm him, the cold wind making him shiver. He pulls his coat tighter, forging on. He rolls his shoulders, paranoia seeping into his bones like the cold wind. Suddenly, the crunching leaves were no longer comforting, they were terrifying. He was constantly looking over his shoulder, breath quick and shallow, legs stiff with anxiety. He gets to Fruit's house with a relieved sigh, unlocking the door and walking in. Fruit looked up from his phone, rolling his eyes with a smile.
"Took you long enough! Come on." They head out back, where Fruit taught him more sparring moves. He keeps hearing birds chirp, though, or seeing leaves fall from the corner of his eye. He can't help but get distracted every other second.
"Hey, Techno, dude, you in there?"
"Hm? Oh, sorry..."
"You're really out of it today."
"Yeah I'm just having troubles focusing I guess."
"C'mon, just focus harder, it's not that hard. We only have a week to prepare for the festival; we have to win! You can do better." Techno sighs, nodding. He could do better. He just had to focus. He just had to try harder.
Still, despite all of his efforts, he couldn't focus and Fruit just called of that days training.
"We'll try again tomorrow, I guess. I'll see you later, man."
"Yeah... see you..." Techno turns and leaves. Half way home, it finally explodes out of him.
"Useless!" He exclaims, kicking a bunch of leaves angrily, "I can't do anything right, can I? All I had to do was focus, and I can't even do that! Fruit was nice enough to train me, and all I do is fail him!" he sinks down against a tree, pulling his knees to his chest and resting his head on them. He sighs, feeling the anger drain into sadness.
"Are you okay?" He looks up. A boy in a green button up was crouched infront of him.
"Hm? I guess so. I'm just frustrated."
"That's okay, it happens to all of us. Would you like to talk about it?"
"...If it wouldn't be a bother..."
"Not at all! I'd be happy to listen!" The boy smiles, sitting down infront of him. He listens patiently as it all spills, his anxiety, paranoia, difficulties focusing, stress. He nods along, with a sympathetic but not pitiful look, and doesn't interrupt. Finally, he sighs, finishing.
"That sounds awful, I'm sorry. Do you feel any better?"
"Yeah, actually, a lot. Thank you."
"No problem! I'm Tubbo!"
"You mentioned your friend Fruit. Has he done anything to help?"
"...He's been pushing me to do better, and telling me to focus..."
"He doesn't sound like a very good friend."
"I mean, he is most of the time. I think the festival is... well... He's very competative."
"Hm... hey, what if you spent the day with me and my friends, as long as you're not busy!"
"I wouldn't want to intrude, I've already took up so much of your time."
"Nonsense! I'm sure they'd love to meet you!"
"...well, alright then. Lead the way, Tubbo." He stands up, Tubbo jumping to his feet excitedly and skipping away. Techno kept pace, feeling his stress and paranoia seeping away. A small smile finds its way onto his face when Tubbo stops, looking around.
"Uh... I may or may not be slightly lost."
"Where are we trying to go?"
"Oh! Right! I told them I'd meet them at the towm square!"
"I know a shortcut, come on." He leads Tubbo through the trees, and suddenly, they're just outside of the town. A five minute walk later and they're at town square.
"Tubbo! There you are man! I was worried you'd gotten lost!" A blonde boy runs over, his shirt white with red sleeves.
"I did! But then Techno was like 'I know a shortcut, I recognise that tree' and he led us through the woods and then we were here! It was awesome!"
"Hallo..." he flashes a peace sign.
"Techno's my friend! I was thinking he could hang out with us today!" Techno smiles slightly, gaze softening. Friend... Tubbo considered him a friend.
"Well, alright! Welcome to the group, Techno! Come on; Phil's probably waiting for us!"
They follow him over to the group.
"Hey guys! This is Techno! Techno, thats Phil, Wilbur, Deo, Eret, Skeppy, and Bad!"
"Hey! Welcome to the chaos!" Wilbur laughs.

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