Wings (Grian with some platonic Grumbo)

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Uh...TW people get done deaded? None of the protagonists, tho, they're okay. Do not fret.

Grian soars through the air, large wings allowing him to glide easily on the air currents. He hadn't seen another person ever since he escaped the watchers, a guild of information theifs who are known for having eyes and ears everywhere, but luckily the birds had taught him how to fly and kept him company. If he could go back to normal society, would he? Probably not, unless there was another important factor at play.
He was so lost in thought, he didn't hear the first few flaps. Looking up, his eyes widen and he jerks back, wings flapping to keep him vertical and in the air.
"What the..." The moustached man muttered, also managing to stay in the air, though his wings were different... Grian notices how mechanical they are and sees straps, realising they weren't real wings.
After another moment of shocked staring, he flips and dive bombs down, "abort abort abort abort-" he squeals softly. He wasn't ready to deal with socializing, it had been far too long.
"W-Wait! Come back!" The man called, trying to follow him. He opens his wings to glide along the ground, only a few feet from hitting it. He shoots back up into the air, twisting to watch the man barely stop himself from flying into the ground at full force then start flying back up to him. He stops for a moment, kind of surprised. That normally would make someone give up. He stops for a little too long though, and the man catches up.
"Please don't run! I just wanna talk!"
"..." He didn't say anything but he didn't keep running, just opening his wings fully and falling back a bit to glide on an air current. The man glides alongside him.
"My name is Mumbo, Mumbo Jumbo! I haven't seen you around, are you new?"
"...G-Grian... I've b-been in the g-general area for a f-few m-months, b-but I don't think I've ever f-flown this f-far..."
"Ah, that would explain it! Have you, er, been alone this whole time?"
"I m-mean... The b-birds keep m-me company..."
"Oh... Wait, is your arm okay? Your sleeves all torn and bloody."
"I u-uh... Had a b-bad run in with a z-zombie a f-few days ago..."
"Oh, you poor thing, would you like to come to the community with me? At least for a bit, to get your arm patched up."
He glances to the side, thinking, then sighs.
"That'd b-be smart... Thank you..."
"Of course! Follow me!"

He lands gently next to the fountain, Mumbo landing with a stumble.
A girl with brown hair runs out of a building, which looked like a bakery.
"Mumbo, you're back- oh, who's this?"
"This is Grian!"
"H-Hi..." He waves with his uninjured arm.
"Hello, love! What brings you to-" she gasps softly, seeing his arm, "oh honey! Here, come with me! I'm sure Scar has a healing potion!" She takes his uninjured hand gently, leading him into the bakery.
"Hey, Stress- oh, dear!"
"Scar, do you have a healing potion?"
"Yeah, here," he tosses a potion to her, which she catches with ease.
"Here, honey," she hands it to Grian and smiles slightly, chugging it.
"Thank you... Stress?"
"Yep! And thats Scar!" Scar waves, smiling brightly, and Grian nods a hello/thanks.
"Sorry, had to run and grab X. Grian, Xisuma, Xisuma, Grian. He's the leader of our town."
"It's nice to meet you Grian. Welcome to Hermitville."
"T-thank you... B-but I most l-likely won't stay long... The b-birds worry about me when I stay out l-late."
"Ah, that's alright! I hope you do come visit sometimes, though, it's been a very long time since someone new has shown up. The other towns are very far away... Speaking of which, where are you from, if you don't mind me asking?"
Grian pauses. Where was he from?
"Well... I h-have traveled quite a b-bit b-but... I b-believe I started in Creatium..."
"Woah... I've only heard stories of Creatium... Apparently the best builders of all time live there!" Scar whispers to Stress.
"That's a very far away place for certain! Did you travel all the way from there to here?" X seems very curious to hear his stories. He opens up a bit.
"Well, I moved to Tolkecity with some friends when I was a teenager but... That didn't end well," he shudders slightly at the memory, "And then, desperate to get away from the memories, Taurtis and I founded a town... Evolut. We had quite a few travelers settle there! I got them to elect Taurtis as leader, without him knowing he was running until the day of polls. Through a shocking turn of events, everyone else got disqualified; the man in the lead- Grian McQuack- turned out to not even be real!" He snickers softly at the event.
"That sounds amazing! Why did you leave?" Grians face falls, and he sighs.
"Well... I didn't want to... But... A new traveler showed up. We welcomed them with open arms, as always, but things... Started going wrong. Graffiti of eyes started showing up, cryptic messages and riddles appearing. I... Was the only one dumb enough to follow the clues." He takes a deep breath, "they led to a hideout where... Where I was forced to choose between a childs life and my own." He pulls his legs to his chest.
"Oh, my..." Stress mumbles, covering her mouth with her hand in horror.
"I had followed the clues right to a Watcher hideout, and as per their... Initiation rules... I had to choose between my freedom and the child's life. If I stayed, the child would be freed. If I left, the child would be... Would be killed. I couldn't let another die, so I stayed. I was transferred between many camps over the past three years, but recently they let their guard down... So I left. I haven't dared return to Evolut, incase they... They threaten or injure another child..."
"Oh dear... I'm so sorry..." X says softly, resting a hand on his shoulder comfortingly.
"What's happened has happened. I just hope Netty has took good care of the child, and Taurtis hasn't... Well, blown up everything," he chuckles.
"It's getting rather dark..." Scar mutters, dusting his hands off on the apron he was wearing before hanging it up.
"Oh, my, I really should be g-going!" Grian squeaks, jumping up.
"One more thing!" X says, standing up, "Where did you get your wings? They're amazing!"
"The Watchers injected me with something about a year ago. They started growing a month or two after."
"Ah, interesting... Well, thank you so much for your time! Do come visit soon, yeah? It was a pleasure meeting you!"
"You as well. I might come back, no promises though," he grins, "bye!"
"See ya!"

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