Boils and Boggarts

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Hope you enjoyed the first chapter. As you can see I'm not sticking to the Harry Potter storyline completely so I hope you guys will understand where I'm coming from. I just wanted this book to be a little more unique than the other Draco x Readers. Thanks!

After that frustrating encounter with Malfoy, I trudged down the dungeons to Potions. I entered the classroom and all eyes were fixed on me. Snape raised his eyebrows, "And might I ask why you are late Miss Y/L/N?" I looked at my feet then back up. "Sorry Professor, I was taking Malfoy to the Hospital Wing". I held my breath waiting for a response. "Acceptable." He simply stated. I nodded and went to go sit by Harry when Snape interrupted me, "Ah Miss Y/L/N I'd like you to sit over here," he motioned towards an empty table, "for the remainder of the term. Perhaps that should remind you not to be late" I sighed and moved to the empty table. Great now I had no one to talk to.

Snape then instructed us to start the potion on "Cure for Boils". It was a review from last year so it would be fairly easy. As I was stirring in the first couple of ingredients, the door opened, and in came Malfoy. I ignored him and focused on my potion. I slightly smiled to myself knowing the only remaining spot for Malfoy to sit was next to Harry, and that would be hell for him. I looked at the instructions saying the potion should now smell like pickled onions. I frowned, I only smelled mint, cologne, and a hint of green apples. "You forgot to add the wormwood infusion" A voice whispered in my ear. I slightly flinched and looked toward who said that. And there he was, Malfoy, smirking and sitting beside me. A little too close to my comfort so I moved my chair farther away from him. (She didn't make Amorentia lol, I think I wrote it weird, but she smelled him because he was so close to her)

"What are you doing here, Malfoy" I sighed, looking for the infusion to add. "Duh, I'm in class. Snape told me to sit here. And thank goodness, I'd rather stick it up with you rather than sit with that Pottah." He spat. I looked at Snape who was busy writing something on his desk. Malfoy smirked and scooted his chair closer to mine. "So what step are we on?" I scooted back. "I'M about to cut the mandrake root. YOU can go pick up a cauldron and start your own potion." I sniffed going back to my potion "But-" Malfoy started before Snape interrupted him. "Might I remind you Miss Y/L/N that Malfoy is in no condition to make his own potion, that's why I want you two to work on it together." He simply then went back to his work. I sighed and moved the book closer to Malfoy.

"I'm not going to just let you sit there. Read me the next steps." He shrugged and brought the book closer. 20 minutes had gone and the potion was being successfully brewed. "And lastly, stir 7 times to the right and 4 to the left." I looked confused "Wait that can't be right, I did that at the start" I frowned and got up from my chair closer to the book. I didn't realize that as I peered at the words in the book, I also came super close to Malfoy. I read the words and realized Malfoy was right "Oh wait, yeah you're right." I agreed. "I always am." He smirked. I looked up at him into his silver eyes about to retort something back when I realized how close we were. I stiffened and stood up straight. He gave a small laugh sensing my unease. I slammed the book and went over to the cauldron. I stirred it and it gave a slight poof of smoke.

I raised my hand to call Snape over. Snape approved and we were told to sit back down. I leaned back and sighed, looking at the clock. 2 minutes until we were free to go. I thought about what class I had next. Oh right, Defense Against the Dark Arts. It would be fun, except it was another class with Malfoy. I audibly groaned at the thought and Malfoy raised his eyebrow. "Why so tense?" He smirked and asked. I looked at him. "I'm gonna be stuck with you in my next class too, ugh, I just had potions with you, and now this too!" Snape dismissed the class. Malfoy got up and leaned in towards me, whispering, "I thought we just had chemistry, not potions". He gave a breathy chuckle and picked up his bag to leave.

I sat stunned in my chair. It wasn't until Harry came and shook me over that I was caught out of my trance. Harry looked earnestly into my eyes, "Y/N, you okay?" I smiled and nodded. "Just tired," I responded. He grabbed my arm and started walking with me. "Just one more lesson, you got this." I smiled and laid my head on his shoulder, holding his hand, and walked. He blushed but didn't say anything.

We walked into class and I let go of Harry's hand, ignoring the daggers that were shooting out of Malfoy's eyes. The class began and Professor Lupin questioned us about what was in the cupboard. Hermione answered "Boggart" and went on the explain it. We learned the counterspell which was "Ridikulous" to which Malfoy muttered, "This class is ridiculous." I controlled myself from laughing at his joke. Then we all got into a line and took turns facing the boggart. When it was my turn I held my wand tightly, apprehensive about what was going to come out. Out came a dementor. Suddenly I felt as if all my happiness was draining. I felt weak. I shuddered and said "Ridikulous" It came out as barely a whisper. Next thing I knew, everything went black.


I woke up in a soft bed. The lights were a soft yellowish-white. My eyes felt heavy so I refused to open them. Then I heard the voices. I quickly picked up Harry's. "What are you doing here." He angrily whispered. A softer voice, but filled with more venom, answered back "Why do you care Pottah?" I internally gasped. Why was Malfoy here? "I'm her best friend, and you're just a bully." Harry spat out. "I just wanted to return her favor of bringing me to Hospital Wing earlier," Malfoy said back. I felt Harry sit on the bed and hold my hand. "I'll tell her you showed up." He coldly responded. With a huff, Malfoy was gone. I didn't feel like talking to Harry, so I just drifted back to sleep.

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