Grimmauld Place

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You guys! AHH I regret ever telling you to spam. HAHAA I woke up with literally 7 thousand notifications. 7 THOUSAND!! And because I love reading every single one of your comments you can bet I scrolled through a l l of them...Jokes apart you guys are M O T I V A T E D. I 've seen people single handedly bring one person far ahead of the other one. This is no longer a battle of which character's better, it's a battle of which fan-base is stronger.

But I do have a feeling that Y/N just connects with Harry more, so for all you Jack fans, worry not! My next book will bring all the magic of Hogwarts and all the amazingness of Louis Partridge in one. So don't be too sad if Harry wins in the end. Back to the story!

Clarification: Draco is ALWAYS endgame. I just wanted to lower Y/N's love interests to a simple love triangle so it was between Jack and Harry. But no matter what happens with Harry, Y/N is ending up with Draco:)

Our feet landed on hard ground. I gripped Harry's arm trying to find my balance. I could never truly get used to apparating. Hermione told us to keep moving as she ushered us into an alley. She took off her small purse and put her hand in it. To my surprise, she pulled out clothes for each of us and told us to change.

I put on my jeans, sweatshirt, and a coat. I changed my heels to comfortable shoes. I pulled my hair down from the hairstyle and let it out.

In a couple minutes we were on the move again. We decided to enter an empty cafe. We ordered our drinks and started talking in hushed whispers about where to go next. "So, Voldemort..." Harry started. Two men came into the cafe. Harry continued, but I was more focused on the men. They were ordering something. I saw one slowly reach into his pocket, slowly he pulled out...a wand!

"GET DOWN!" I yelled, grabbing Harry and flipping the table over to the side to protect all of us. Hermione had her wand out. She popped up and shot a spell. I did the same. The fight ended as I heard the thuds of their bodies hitting the ground. Slowly I peered over. We walked over to the unconscious people.

I recognized them to be death eaters. Hermione obliviated them. "I think we should go the the Grimmauld Place." She said. I nodded. We all linked arms and apparated away. We arrived at building of some sort. It opened up to reveal a secret panel of building with a door. We entered that door and went inside.

It was dusty and unused. No one was there currently. I went over and plopped myself on the couch. Hermione inspected the house. Jack came over and sat beside me. I put my head on his shoulder and closed my eyes. Fatigue overtook me and I drifted off to sleep.


Okay so the necklace that Draco gave Y/N will replace the RAB locket, so the trio no longer has to go to the Ministry of Magic. Kreacher also doesn't really exist right now. They're going to live in Grimmauld place until Yaxely (a death eater) finds them and then they have to run to the woods


I woke up but not on the couch. I was sleeping in a comfortable bed. I sat up to see Harry inspecting some things on the floor. I got up and sat beside him. A small tear slipped down his face. I looked at what he was holding. It was a letter. A letter from his mother to Sirius. A picture showed little Harry zooming around on a plastic broom.

I pulled Harry into a hug. He didn't get those often enough. Sometimes, he was so busy worrying about everyone else, he forgets about himself. He sniffled, indicating that he wasn't crying anymore. I pulled back. He looked into my eyes. His green eyes seemed to tell a story.

A story I felt only I could read.

He knew that too. I understood him in a way no one else did. No one else cared either. At first, I thought I was just being a good friend, but I felt it had developed into something deeper. And at this moment we both came to realize the same thing. "I love you Y/N."

That's when I broke eye contact. Did I love him back though? No? I loved Draco...right? I felt that for some reason I was lying to myself. "I know you love me too, but you just won't admit it to yourself." Harry said and got up, leaving me sitting there fighting with myself.

I was being pulled in different directions. My mind told me I should confess my feelings for Harry. He'd always been there for me. He'd picked me up when I'd fallen down. He was kind and sweet. After all these turbulent years, he was the one stable thing in my life...

On the other there was Draco. My heart yearned to be with him as my mind pulled me back. He made me feel like no other person did. One look brought butterflies. Every touch of his ignited a spark. His intoxicating fragrance could wash over and melt me...

And then there was Jack. Yes, he was the one I'd spent the least time with, but something pulled me closer to him. However, I felt I had been leading him on wrong. The connection I felt with him brought me close to him, but in a different way. Somehow, I didn't think I could ever consider him as more than a friend...or maybe I was wrong.


I didn't know what to think, or believe, or feel.

I needed to distract myself. I shook my head and left the room to go downstairs. "So, what's to eat?" I asked looking around. They were all sitting down and pondering their own thoughts. No one really answered. "Well, there is this AMAZING muggle thing you guys need to try. It's called Mac and Cheese. I'm going to just run down to the nearest store and grab some." I grabbed some muggle cash from my pocket and ran my fingers through my hair.

I headed out the door and felt the cool crisp air. I spotted a store and walked to it. It was locked because it was late at night. I whispered Alohomora and entered. I grabbed Mac and Cheese boxes and put them in a bag. I grabbed other muggle foods. I left muggle cash on the counter and walked out.

As I was walking back, I saw someone standing at the edge of the road, staring at Grimmauld place. Only wizards could see it...I realized, I'd have to apparate to the top step and then enter, otherwise he'd see me. I did so and went inside.

"Guys there's someone looking straight at this place, as if they know." I said walking to the kitchen and taking out a pan. Hermione walked to the window. "That's Yaxely, a death eater. But if he hasn't done anything yet, that means he hasn't seen anything yet." She said. "Let's keep it that way." Jack replied.

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