Completed! Enemies to lovers! Although the main character (Y/N) will have multiple love interests (including Louis Partridge and Harry Styles) it will be mostly Draco x Reader.
The book starts off in 3rd year. Y/N is a Slytherin. She is a half-bloo...
I stayed at the Burrow for the rest of Summer. Fudge, the previous Minister of Magic, had been fired from his job. Rufus Scrimgeour was the new one. He had unexpectedly come down to the Burrow. "May I speak with Harry, Ron, and Hermione?" He asked. I exchanged glances with Jack. Why weren't we invited? "If you want to speak with us, then you'll have to speak with Jack and Y/N too." Harry said, giving me a small smile. Scrimgeour looked between us and sighed, "Oh all right, come on then."
We followed him to another room. He told us to sit down on a tiny couch. I squished between a side of the sofa and Harry. After struggling for minute in the tight space, I took one leg and put it over Harry's lap. He noticed but didn't say anything. Scrimgeour said that Dumbledore left Harry, Ron, and Hermione something in his will. Harry got the first snitch he ever caught. Hermione got a children's book. And Ron got a deluminator, a personal invention of Dumbledore.
They were still trying to figure what the objects were for when night fell. It was soon late and everyone had fallen asleep, except Harry. I was on the floor with bedding, laying next to him. He twirled the snitch in his hands. I felt a knock on the window. I looked to see a sleek black owl. Confused, I took the pouch that the owl had. "What is it?" Harry asked. "I don't know." I said, sitting down next to him. I opened the pouch and tipped it over, letting the contents slide into my palm.
It was Draco's necklace, the horcrux.
Draco had sent the necklace. I don't know how he'd gotten it. He probably went against orders to do so. A small glimmer of hope bloomed inside of me. Maybe he'd choose the right side in the end. I smiled a little.
I quickly put the necklace back inside. Harry furrowed his eyebrows, "What-" "-Shh! It's the horcrux that I was telling you about." His eyes widened. I nodded, placing the pouch underneath my bed. We'd found one. Now we just needed the others.
He laid back down as did I. I scooted closer to Harry because of the chill in the air. He put a gentle arm around me and was fast asleep. I smiled and closed my eyes.
We hadn't told anyone that we were leaving to find horcruxes, but I had a feeling Mrs. Weasley already knew that we weren't going back to school. So, she kept us busy with preparations for the wedding so that we didn't have the time to discuss. It had worked. Bill and Fleur. Who would've thought?
It was finally time to get ready for the wedding. The plan was to leave the day after. I put my hair up in a half-do (if you have short hair let it down and curl it). I slipped on my dress. It was a soft pastel color to enhance Fleur's white and black dress.
If you like warm hues...
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and if you like a cold color scheme...
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or of course if you want slytherin colors all the way...
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The zipper in the back was hard to reach. I called for Hermione, but she wasn't there. I heard a knock on the door. "Do you need any help? I heard you practically screaming for help." Harry teased. "Uh, yeah could you zip me up?" I asked, pulling my hair to the side. His warm fingers fumbled with the zipper. I giggled at his struggle. He slowly zipped it up.
"You look lovely Y/N." He breathed. I could feel his hot breath on my neck. He zipped it up and put one hand gently on my waist turning me around. With his other hand he brushed my hair to the side. He leaned in slowly. Gently, he placed his lips on mine, a ghost of a kiss, and pulled back. His green eyes flitted to mine, making sure what he'd done hadn't crossed the line.
"Mornin' " I looked over at George who winked and sipped his tea. I rolled my eyes at him as Harry gave an awkward smile and walked away.
The wedding was held in a tent outside. I saw Hermione wearing a gorgeous red dress. We enjoyed the revels. I was talking to Harry when I saw Xenophilius Lovegood. he had a strange necklace around him. I didn't give it much thought.
Everyone was dancing and having a good time. I was dancing with Harry. He hadn't mentioned the kiss, which was fine by me.
Suddenly a bright Patronus came into the room. "The Ministry has fallen. Scrimgeour is dead. They are coming." It said.
Then total pandemonium. Everyone rushed to apparate out. Harry grabbed my waist and led me to Hermione. Jack joined us as well. Hermione told us to all link hands. We did. In a flash we were gone.