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So year 5 is going to be a pretty short year, but it's going to be packed with plot. Most of what happens affects Harry more, so there's less involvement of Y/N. BUT, there will be more of a plot revolving Y/N. And you'll see why... (Trigger Warning) It talks about self harm through bad coping mechanisms. 

I went to sit on the edge of the table for the Great Feast. Dumbledore was just introducing the new teachers. I was just zoning out until I heard, "Hm hm." A small voice interrupted him. I looked up to see a toad-like woman stand up. She was wearing a garish set of pink clothes. Her smiled was like poison covered with honey, overly sweet.

I shook my head and looked back down to my hands. That's when I felt someone sit across from me. "Hey." He said. I looked up and saw Draco looking back. "Ready to tell me what happened?" I said, looking back at his hands. He hid them underneath the table. "Um..." He looked around. "Not here, later?" He asked. I nodded. Food appeared on the table and I got busy in eating.

I went inside the Slytherin common room. I went upstairs to unpack my trunk. I changed into sweatshirt and sweatpants. I was about to sleep when I felt a tap against the door. I went to go open the door. Outside Draco was standing in a similar outfit to mine.

He grabbed my hand and led me downstairs. "Draco...Draco...where are we-" I started. "Shh." He whispered back. He took me outside the common room completely. "We're gonna get caught." I stated. "We're not gonna get-" He started to say but then we heard footsteps.

He pulled me into a broom closet. Draco was pressed against me. His breath mingled with mine as we waited for the steps to pass by. I squirmed, feeling uncomfortable with the proximity. "Does this make you feel uncomfortable?" He gave a breathy chuckle. I looked down trying to hide my blush. He put one arm around my waist and with the other he lifted my chin.

As my eyes met his, he leaned down. Before my sense overtook my judgment, I pushed him back, a little harder than I meant to. His back hit the wall and his face turned to shock. It was my turn to smirk. "Looks like the 'great Draco Malfoy' just got pushed-" I was interrupted with his lips crashing on mine.

I held the kiss for a while before putting my hands on his chest and gently pushing him back, "I'm supposed to be mad at you." I said. He smirked. "And I'm supposed to-" His face darkened, as if he almost gave something away. "What? Finish that sentence." I demanded. He opened the door suddenly and we stumbled out. "I was gonna say that I'm supposed to tell you what all this-" He pointed to his hands "-is about." I felt unconvinced but continue following him.

We started climbing up the winding stairs of the Astronomy Tower. I was out of breath by the time we got up. I slumped down and laid back to see the stars. I felt Draco lay beside me. I turned toward him and took his hand. I rubbed the area above the bruises. "Why?" I whispered softly.

He continued looking at the stars. "Um, every time I feel mad, or uh, angry at something, I need a way to...I guess cope. So, I have this punching bag at home, but sometimes, I over-do it. My mom actually helps clean up after." I listened quietly to his explanation.

"First of all, there's better ways to cope. For example, write a letter with all your terrible feelings, and maybe burn it up. Or you know, go and fly your broom, do something to get your mind off. Or even better, talk to a me. Which brings me to my next question, what is it that made you so mad that day?" He turned to me, slight tears glistening in his eyes.

-------------Draco's POV-------------

I looked toward her, trying to keep my tears in. How could I tell her this? That I needed to befriend her just so our families could get closer. Just so her father could be used to get whatever was in the Hall of Prophecies. That my friendship with her was forced through my family, and even though I loved her, I could never be with her. But I had to tell her something. " father called me away to work on something and I got really mad that I was missing the party with you." I lied.

-------------Y/N'S POV------------------

He gave his explanation. I laughed. "That's a very stupid reason to hurt yourself." I scooted in closer and looked up at the sky. "Every time you feel mad, you should come up to this tower and just look at the constellations in the sky. It'll take your mind off things." I said.

-----------Draco's POV--------------

She was telling me about the constellations. The knot in my chest tightened. I hated lying to her. But I had to do what I had to do. So, I played along and laughed at her stories. She even showed me a constellation with my name, it was a dragon. She soon fell asleep in my arms. I conjured a blanket over us. I smiled looking down at her resting face. Somehow, I felt, that this was the last time I would truly be happy with her. 

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