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Sorry for the wait, I was SUPER busy yesterday, anyways, enjoy a long chapter!

It was the day after destroying the horcrux. We were all sitting on the couches discussing what to do next. That's when Hermione slammed her book. "I think we need to visit Xenophilius Lovegood." She said. She got up and picked up her backpack. I straightened myself. "Woah woah slow down." I told her. "And why should we do that, I mean let's be honest, he's kind of a lunatic." Ron said, smiling a little.

Out of her backpack, she pulled out her Tales of the Beedle and the Bard book that she got from Dumbledore. She flipped through the pages and found the one she was looking for. She put the book on the table pointing to a strange drawing. It was a triangle with a vertical line through it and a circle. (Just look at my pfp if you don't know what it looks like).

"Okay...and what about it?" Harry asked. Hermione rolled her eyes. "Harry, where have you seen this symbol before." Hermione asked. Harry shook his head. Jack's eyes brightened. "I saw Xenophilius wearing a necklace like that at the wedding." Jack replied. "Yes!" Hermione exclaimed, "I keep seeing this symbol reoccurring, I think it's important. It's on multiple pages in the book as well. I think Mr. Lovegood will have good information pertaining to it." She sat back, content with herself.

I shrugged. "Sure, why not, I mean, this is our only lead at this point." I said. The others agreed. We finally had a job to do. I put together a small pack of my belongings. I honestly didn't know how long we were going to stay there, so I packed all my essentials.

"Bloody hell, why are you taking so much stuff?" Ron asked as we were about to leave. I shrugged. "Dunno, just feels right." I answered. We linked arms and apparated away.

We arrived at a large field. I saw in front of me a tall building. As we walked near the front doors, I saw odd shaped ornaments in their garden. A sign read "Beware the nargles." I smiled; this was definitely Luna's house. We knocked at the door. Slowly someone opened it just a crack and peered out. "Hello sir, we are Luna's friends and-" Harry started, but the door swung wide open to reveal Xenophilius hush us in. "Come come I know who you are." We went inside.

Mr. Lovegood led us up a spiral staircase. As we kept climbing, I looked at one of the rooms. It had portraits of all of us. "Yes, Luna enjoys painting." Mr. Lovegood said, reading my mind. He showed us to a small seating area. We sat down. "Mr. Lovegood, where's Luna? Wouldn't she be home for the Holidays?" I asked. Mr. Lovegood looked around nervously. "Yes, yes of course. She's down by the pond catching some guppies for soup. For now, let me make some tea." He answered. He left in a rush. I saw him put the kettle on the stove and take out his wand. He muttered a spell or something, but it didn't turn the stove on. He turned towards us.

Hermione got straight to the point. "Mr. Lovegood, we were wondering if you could tell us what this is?" She said, showing him the symbol. "You mean the deathly hallows?" Mr. Lovegood took out a parchment and drew out each aspect of the symbol. "The triangle is the invisibility cloak, the circle is the stone of resurrection, and the line is the elder wand." He explained. "It's got to do with the tale of the three brothers." He said. Hermione pulled out her book. "I have it here." She said. Mr. Lovegood nodded to let her read.

The Tale of the Three Brothers (Taken from the Harry Potter Wiki Fandom Website)

Three brothers, travelling along a lonely, winding road at twilight reached a deep treacherous river where anyone who attempted to swim, or wade would drown. Learned in the magical arts, the brothers conjured a bridge with their wands and proceed to cross.

Halfway through the bridge, a hooded figure stood before them. The figure was the enraged spirit of, cheated of his due. Death cunningly pretended to congratulate them and proceeds to award them with gifts of their own choosing.

The eldest brother, a combative man, asked for a wand more powerful than any in existence. Death granted his wish by fashioning the from a branch of a nearby elder tree standing on the banks of the river. The second brother, an arrogant man, chose to further humiliate death, and asked for the power to recall the deceased from the grave. Death granted his wish by crafting the from a stone picked from the riverbank. The third and youngest brother, who was the most humble and wise, did not trust Death and asked for something to enable him to go forth without Death being able to follow. A reluctant Death, most unwillingly, handed over a part of his own cloak of invisibility.

The three brothers took their prizes and soon went on their separate ways.

The eldest brother travelled to a village where a wizard whom he had quarreled lived. He sought out a duel and fought the wizard using the wand, instantly killing the latter.

Leaving his enemy dead upon the floor, the eldest brother walked to an inn not far from the dueling site and spent the night there. Taken by his conscience and lust of the Elder Wand's power, the eldest brother boasted of this wand gifted by Death and his own invincibility.

That very night, Death transfigured to a murderous wizard. The unknown murderous wizard crept to the inn as the eldest brother slept, drunk from wine. The wizard slit the oldest brother's throat for good measure and stole the wand. That was when Death took the first brother.

The second brother returned to his home where he lived alone. Turning the stone thrice in his hand the figure of the girl he had once hoped to marry, before her untimely death, appeared at once before him, much to his delight. Yet she was sad and cold, separated from him as by a veil. Though she had returned to the mortal world, she did not truly belong there and suffered. Finally, the second brother, driven mad with hopeless longing, committed suicide by hanging from his house' balcony so as truly to join her. That was when Death took the second brother for his own.

Death searched for the youngest brother as years passed but never succeeded. It was only when the third brother reached a great age, he took off the Cloak of Invisibility and gave it to his son. Greeting Death as an old friend, they departed this life as equals.


Hermione looked up from the book. We all eyed each other thinking the same thing, that's what Voldemort is after.

Mr. Lovegood looked out the window expectantly. "Mr. Lovegood, where's Luna?" He looked at me with a sudden frantic in his eyes. "Collecting berries for the pie of course. And the tea must be done now." He stood up walking to the stove.

"No." I said. "You told us she was catching guppies for soup, and you never even turned the stove on. What-" I was interrupted with a flash shooting right past me. Harry's eyes widened. "Death eaters." Hermione said grimly. "You betrayed us!" Harry shouted at Mr. Lovegood as fell to his knees. "Please it was the only way to bring back my Luna! They took her, they took her!" I ducked as another spell shot at us.

The furniture around us exploded. Jack grabbed my arm as we ran towards the stairs. But Hermione stayed put and extended her arms. Ron and Harry grabbed on to her. "Jack, Y/N, get over here!" We started to run but something took hold of my leg and I fell. Jack's hand slipped out of mine. He looked back at me. "JACK! RUN AND LEAVE WITHOUT ME!" I screamed at him to go. He looked between the trio and me for a second. But a second too long. Another death eater grabbed him as well.

I looked at Harry sending one message through my eyes.

Leave. Now.

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