Completed! Enemies to lovers! Although the main character (Y/N) will have multiple love interests (including Louis Partridge and Harry Styles) it will be mostly Draco x Reader.
The book starts off in 3rd year. Y/N is a Slytherin. She is a half-bloo...
My hand went up to the flower charm hanging around my neck. "Why do you care. And how did you get here so fast? Were you stalking me?" "I-I... Just put the necklace back on." he demanded. I stepped forward, my eyes meeting his. "Why. Are you here to apologize for behaving like an arse. Are you here to make things right between us? Why is it so important that I wear your necklace when you don't seem to even care about me?"
He stepped forward. "No, I'm not here to apologize. But I do care, and I want to keep you safe-" "From Jack? Oh, c'mon Draco-" "No! Not from Jack, although he's certainly getting under my skin." He took his hands in my own. "Please, just keep the necklace with you. It protects you in a way...that I can't really say." I looked down at our intertwined hands. His fingers were colder than usual. I looked up and put my hand up to his cheek. Also as cold as ice. I looked into his eyes. The once glowing silver orbs that shone in the moonlight were now dull as stone. Dark bags lined his sockets. "Draco what happened to you?" He leaned down, kissed my forehead and turned back without another word. I reached inside my pocket. I pulled out the emerald necklace, it was cold and heavy in my hand. Nonetheless, I put it back in pocket. I wouldn't wear it, but I'd keep it with me like Draco asked.
----Time skip to Party----
I wore my dress and curled my hair. I put on light makeup and heels.
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Jack waited for me near the entrance of the party. We linked arms and went inside. Jack went to go get drinks and I looked around for Harry and Hermione. I saw Harry with Luna. I smiled. An odd pair but it made sense. Hermione was with Cormac and she looked miserable. Jack handed me my drink. As we walked up to Hermione and Cormac, I saw Cormac's eyes rake down my body. Jack noticed my discomfort and put a protective hand around my waist. I kept my gaze on Hermione. We exchanged pleasantries. Cormac excused himself to get drinks. After he was gone Hermione looked around frantically. "He's awful I need to get away." And with that she disappeared behind a curtain.
I laughed turning back to Jack. "He really is horrible." Jack looked towards the direction in which Cormac went and made a disgusted face. "Indeed." He turned back to me. "You do look stunning this evening." He smiled, looking down at my dress. But he looked more in wonder rather than the disgusted desire that Cormac did. That was something I loved about Jack. He was respectful and kind. "You look handsome as well-" "Unhand me you filthy squib!" I was interrupted by Filch dragging in a student. Speaking of someone who needed to be respectful and kind...
"Found this one lurking outside." Filch sneered. "Alright alright, I was gatecrashing!" Draco exclaimed. Snape appeared. "I can escort you out Mr. Malfoy." Draco shoved his shoulder out of Filch's hands and defiantly looked up to Snape. "Certainly, professor." He said. They both left the party. I rolled my eyes and turned back to Jack. Draco could be dealt with later. Somehow, I would force him to tell me what was up with him. But for now, I was going to enjoy this party with Jack.
----Time Skip to a couple days after----
I trudged down to the Great Hall. Ever since Slughorn's party and with Holiday break coming up, the teachers had substantially increased the workload. I looked over at the Gryffindor table to see all my friends absent. I got up and went over. "Hey Dean, where's-" "Hospital Wing." He answered. I thanked him and speed walked to the Hospital Wing. I swear to god if Harry fell off his broom again. I went inside to find Ron laying on the bed. Hermione held his hand. I stood next to Jack and he quickly filled me in how Ron had accidentally drunk poison. "Who was the poison meant for?" Jack whispered in my ear, "Dumbledore." Who would have wanted to poison Dumbledore? I walked up to Ron and brushed the hair out of his face. I heard a screech behind me as Lavender ran up. I stepped back.
"Oh, my won-won." She said looking down at Ron. She turned her face to Hermione. "What are you doing here, he wants me! I'm his girlfriend." Hermione stood up. "Well I'm his...friend." "Well I liked him before he was all interesting" "He's been poisoned you dimwitted bimbo." Ron mumbled something. "Look, he's senses my presence." Lavender leaned in. Ron muttered, "Her...mi...ione." Lavender's face dropped. She huffed and turned away. Hermione smiled and sat back down, taking Ron's hands in her own. I looked toward Hermione who was clearly very content.