Chapter 35

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Harry's POV>>

I quickly stuffed all four letters into my journal, knowing the fifth was already in there. I slammed the journal shut and with my hands shaking, tied the leather strap that held the old, tattered journal together.

I did the first thing and the only solution that entered my mind. I called Liam.
He was the only sensible one in the group. He's already read the letters, he must have thought of some kind of solution by now.

"Liam?" I questioned as soon as his phone was picked up.

"Harry. Have you read the le-"

"Of course I've fucking read them Liam. I don't have time to waste. I need a plan. What the fuck do I do?" I frantically yelled into the phone.

"First of all you need to calm down, you don't want Jessica to hear you, do you? Secondly, have you read all of them?"

"Just the first three."


"No Liam, you listen to me. I know all I need to know from that third letter. Brooke is dangerous, I get it now, this is serious. But what I need now is a plan. I cant just sit around and do fuck all. Tell me what I should do."

"Why should I help you when you have no fucking respect for me?" Liam snapped.

"Because I know you've thought of a plan already. I know you and Jessica have 'bonded' and you couldn't bare to see a girl like her in the danger she's in now. So tell me, for Jessica's sake." I almost begged. I do have respect for Liam, I just don't know how to show it. He should know that by now. I heard him sighing into the phone.

"Drive by my house, I'll give you the keys and you can stay in my Lake House for as long as you need, or at least until Zayn gets Brooke under control." Liam compromised.

"I'm on my way." I told him before hanging up.

I quickly ran down the flights of stairs until I reached the first floor. I headed straight for my room and grabbed the first bag I seen. I pulled every drawer open and shoved as much as I could into the bag, not paying attention to what exactly I was packing. Any clothes would do, I didn't have time to pick and choose.

Once it was filled, I squished my journal inside and zipped the bag shut. I left my room and flung the bag down the stairs so it landed in the hallway of the ground floor, by the front door.

I made my way over to Jessica's door. Don't scare her, dont be rude or act panicked. Even though this is sudden, act like it's nothing. Just act normal and leave this house as soon as possible. I told myself.

So I softly knocked on her door.

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