chapter 6

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It had been an hour since Elena fell unconscious. Raguel was sincerely getting worried about her, and was thinking about contacting Raphael since he was an angel with healing powers which technically made him a medical doctor but before he could make the contact, Elena stirred a little making Raguel sighed in relief.

Elena's head was pounding. She had a terrible headache. She tried to open her eyes but she was finding it hard.

It just felt as if someone wanted to rip her head off her neck. She took in a deep breath and slowly opened her eyes.

She searched for the angel and her eyes landed on him. She could not tell why it excited her that the angel was looking at her but it just did. 

She quickly shook the notion of excitement out of her mind. She needed to pay attention to what was going on.

“What happened?” she asked.

“You fainted again,” Raguel stated quietly, 

“How long?” she queried. 

“For an hour,” he replied with a smile

Even in the state she was in, she was still looking beautiful and Raguel was trying very hard to keep his stare discreet.

“So angels are real?” Elena asked with raised eyebrows. 


Raguel had to bite his lips to stop him from calling her cute. He found that action of her insanely adorable. He wanted nothing more to be free to express his affection towards his soulmate, but he knew she was in no position to know that they shared a bond. Though, he would surely tell her soon. 

“So, how did you find me?” Elena asked. “Are you a Guardian angel?”

Elena was excited as she was speaking to an Angel. She finally believed that they were real, and she was glad she was talking to one.

“If only she knew what she means to me,” Raguel lamented to himself.

Raguel shook his head; he knew he could not tell her she was his soulmate, and he knew she couldn’t feel the bond they shared because she was a human but if she were an Angel, she would have been feeling the pull of the bond. 

“You can call me your Guardian Angel,” Raguel subsequently said with a smile.

“Wow!” Elena exclaimed, marveled by the revelation.

She looked around herself and found out that it was truly getting dark.

She had been out for too long and her Mom would possibly be worried about her. Once the realization hit her, she quickly stood up. 

“I have to go home,” Elena said 

Raguel understood that she needed to leave but he was sad about her leaving too. He enjoyed talking to her.

“I can take you home,” Raguel rapidly suggested. He was not ready to say goodbye yet.

“Really?” Elena asked with excitement. “Do you have a car or something?” She searched around for one. 

“I'm an Angel,” Raguel said with a smile. “And I have wings,” he added.

“Of course, you do,” Elena said as she laughed.

Raguel knew it was bizarre for humans to fly in the sky, however, he truly wanted to give her a ride home. 

“I completely forgot about that. I still can't wrap my head around it. You know, it is not everyday you meet an Angel,” Elena said with a smile which Raguel gladly returned.

“Are you ready to go?” Raguel asked.

“Yes,” Elena replied, moving closer to Raguel. 

Raguel was simply excited to be close to his soulmate again even if it was just for a few minutes.

He flashed his wings and Elena wrapped her hands around him and together they soared in the sky.

******* ******* ********

Elena got home quickly which made her a little sad because she felt at ease in the arms of the Angel. She was reluctant to let go of him but she had to. So, she stepped away from him.

“Thank you,” she blushed. She silently prayed that the Angel would not see how red her face was right now because it would be so embarrassing.

“You are welcome,” Raguel answered.

They both stood quietly for a while until Elena spoke up, “Do you think the demons will come after me again?”

She was scared, she did not want to go through that experience again.

“I do not know,” Raguel answered honestly. 

It's still bothered Raguel why the demons had a human in their custody, however, he was determined to find out as soon as possible.

“I can stay here to keep you safe, just in case they come back,” Raguel said.

“I cannot let you in my house,” she said shaking her head. “My mother would possibly see you,” she added.

“Don't worry about that,” Raguel said. “I can make myself invisible to human eyes and I can assure you, your mother will not see me.”

“Are you sure?” she asked. 


“Okay,” she said. “Wait here for a minute,” she added as she made her way to the front door. 

Even though the Angel had already said that he could make himself invisible, Elena still did not want to take any wager. 

She quietly opened the door and looked around the living room. She was glad when she did not see her mother anywhere. She quickly motioned for Raguel to join her and collectively they walked quietly to her room. 

When they went to her room, Elena sighed in relief.

“Make yourself comfortable,” she said as she made her way to the bathroom. She needed to get out of the soiled garments.

Raguel walked around the room taking details of the things he noticed.

A few minutes later, he heard the door to the restroom open, and he turned to look at Elena who was now in a clean outfit.

Raguel looked at her with a smile. He admired her beauty with his eyes. He stood there for a few minutes gazing at her and forgetting himself.

When he realized his eyes had lingered on her too much, he quickly averted his gaze.

“Sorry,” he expressed his regret shortly. 

“It's okay,” Elena said as she made her way to the bed. “I'm so tired,” she yawned. "I did not even think of carrying an extra mattress for you." 

“Don't worry about that,” he said as Angels do not sleep. “I will be fine sitting here and watching over you as you sleep,” Raguel added with a smile.

Elena loved the sound of that, and she knew she would sleep well since the Angel would be watching over her.

“Good night,” she said. 

“Good night,” Raguel answered with a big smile on his face as he watched her close her eyes.

“Good night,” Raguel answered with a big smile on his face as he watched her close her eyes

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