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"Eri-chan, come on. We have school today. ERI-CHAN!"

The voice slowly raised in volume until it yanked me out of my dreamless sleep. 

Unsatisfied with it I rolled over and hummed a, 

"No", in response. 

"Eri-chan, I know you want to sleep but come on. You're going to make us both late!" 

I rolled out of the bed as the sheets slid down along with me. 

Looking up I was met with a displeased Yachi-chan. 

Yachi was my best friend since my very first day of school all of those years ago. 

She saved me from the large crowd of students after my brother was snatched away by that alien Oikawa, and I've spent the years following repaying her for it. 

"I'm up! I'll get ready super quick, promise!" I ran out of the room and down to my bathroom that I unfortunately shared with my brother. 

Opening the door I was extremely displeased to be face to face with Oikawa. 

"Mini Iwa-chan! Ohiyo! How are you this morning?" I eye rolled in disgust as I pushed him out of the bathroom and shut the door, but not before calling out, 

"You're here way too much, don't you have a home?" 

Through the door he called back, 

"But I don't have a cutie like you at home!" 

Once again I found myself rolling my eyes and beginning to get ready. 

After spending time doing my hair and preparing myself for the day, I rushed out of the bathroom and into the room. 

Slipping on my clothes in a hurry and racing downstairs, my foot got caught on one of the steps. 

Prepared to take a tumble I lifted my arms up to my face, but I felt nothing but strong arms holding me up. I looked up and smiled at my older brother, 

"Hajime you caught me!" I giggled. 

"You need to be more careful Eri. And the amount of times I have had to catch you is ridiculous." 

Still feeling giddy I replied, 

"Yea, yea I'll be more careful onii-san!" Running over to the table for breakfast I was disappointed to find Oikawa sitting and helping himself to the food on the table. 

"Ugh, you're still here?" 

" Aw, come on mini Iwa-chan. I could be good company if you'd let me." 

"Ew. Come on Yachi-chan. We have to hurry." Yachi sat at the table looking uncomfortable, but got up at my words. 

We snatched a piece of toast with butter and headed out the door. 

"Bye onii-san! Love you, have a good day!' I called behind me. 

"You too Eri! Love you!" 

"Iwa-chan, you never tell me you love me- Ow!" 

I barely heard the response, but I was satisfied to hear Oikawa get hit. 

Yachi and I raced on our bikes to our school, Karasuno High School. 

We were both first years and decided on the school together, sadly Hajime went to Aoba Johsai along with Oikawa, but it made for interesting volleyball matches. 

"Eri-chan, are you going to volleyball practice right after class, or do you have tutoring first?" 

"I'll be there right after class, meet up to change?" I questioned. 

Yachi and I were both managers for the Karasuno boys volleyball team and loved the team, we were especially looking forward to their match against Aoba Johsai. 

"For sure!" Yachi replied as we parked our bikes and headed off to class. 


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