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The game was intense. 

The set was going on longer than anyone would expect. 

Suga-senpai was indeed correct, neither of the teams were going down without a fight. 

Every point that Oikawa would make, Kageyama would quickly make up for. 

The energy in both teams were decreasing as time went on, and the crowd eagerly watched as the players scampered around the court. 

I was getting dizzy watching the ball fall from each side. 

"Let's go boys!" I shouted, but right after I did, I wondered who I was really cheering for. 

On one side was my team, the boys I had taken care of and watched practice for so long. 

However, on the other side was my older brother and his closest friends. I had watched them come home everyday equally as tired from working so hard on perfecting their passion. 

In the end, I still hadn't decided who I wanted to win, but it didn't matter. 

It was in slow motion. 

Hinata and Kageyama set up and went for a quick attack, the one that I had seen them execute a million times. But the result was not what usually happened. 

As Hinata jumped up and slapped the ball, Aoba Johsai jumped up too. 

They quickly blocked the ball and it fell right onto Karasuno's side of the court. 

I was in shock. 

The crowd for Aoba Johsai jumped up in cheers, congratulating their team. 

The boys were still on the floor from their attempt at saving the ball that was blocked. 

It took them a moment, but they rose and bowed to the other team. 

After the bow, we began packing up, but I was clearly distracted. 

Oikawa was smiling. 

Actually smiling. 

His straight white teeth shined in the bright lights and his lips stretched from both sides of his face. He celebrated with his team in a group hug and I could see the pride he felt. 

I pulled my eyes away from the scene to finish packing up, but as I made my way to the doors to leave, a hand grabbed mine. 

"We're going out to celebrate, I won't be able to pick you up. Come with us." Hajime said with a small smile, trying to be considerate of my loss. 

I nodded and went off to let Karasuno know. I walked over to Daichi, tugging on his warmup jacket. 

"Hm, what's up Erica-chan?" 

"I'm going to go home with my brother because he won't be able to pick me up later. Is that okay?" I asked. 

"Of course, be safe. And thank you for everything." 

I hadn't realized that my hand was still holding onto his jacket, until he grabbed it. 

He gave my hand a reassuring squeeze and sent me off. 

I walked swiftly to not miss the Aoba Johsai bus, when I arrived the team roared in happiness. 

"Iwaizumi-chan! Are you proud of us?" Hanamaki asked with a smile as all of the other players crowded around me. 

"Of course I am, you guys played so well." I offered with a small smile, still feeling bad for my team. 

"Yeah, did you see the looks on their faces?" One of the benchwarmers called out laughing. 

My heart dropped and I was ready to teach them a little something about respect, but before I could act another voice jumped in. 

"Don't spoil our win. Show some respect for the other team, they played well." The deep, serious voice sounded and instantly quieted the team. 

I turned to see that the owner of the voice was Oikawa. 

His presence seemed to command the attention of everyone around, and I was grateful for his words. We boarded the bus and the spirits of the team members quickly rose. 

They blasted music and sang their chants the entire way back to the school. 

I would be lying if I said that I didn't join in. 

I was shocked to see Oikawa still sporting his genuine smile all the way to the ramen shop.

 We entered the shop as Oikawa called out "Dinner is on me tonight!" 

The food was served quickly, but as if tradition, no one started eating. 

Oikawa rose from his seat as he said a few words for the team, he commented on how proud he was to be a part of the team and to be the captain. 

The speech went on for a while, but I was fixated on his smile. 

His eyes crinkled in the corners and pure joy radiated from him. 

"Thanks for the food!" Rang out amongst the team and we began to devour the food. 

With noodles hanging from my mouth and a pleased look on my face, I felt a presence next to me. Oikawa was standing there and began to speak. 

"Is the food good?" I nodded my head vigorously as I struggled to finish the food in my mouth. Oikawa chuckled lightly, 

"Thank you for joining us." With a smile that leaked sincerity. 

I felt my face get red and quickly turned away, 

"Yeah, whatever. I couldn't pass up free food." 

This time more than just Oikawa laughed, the entire team seemed to have heard it and agreed unanimously. 

When dinner was over and Hajime and I said bye to the remaining team members, I reflected on everything. 

He told me that his real smile depended on me. 

Maybe the reason Oikawa fakes a smile isn't because he's actually a jerk, but he's saving his real smiles for the people most special to him. 

I let that sit for a moment as my footsteps sounded. 

As my mind wandered I couldn't stop the thought from coming. 

Maybe it would be nice, maybe I wouldn't hate him if I could be one of those special people. 


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