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The day passed by quickly and before I knew it, I was running off to the club room to change into warm up clothes. 

As I stepped into the large gym, with Yachi by my side, we were not surprised to see the boys acting as rambunctious as usual. 

Noya, Tanaka, and Hinata were all standing in a group jumping and talking. Tsukishima and Yamaguchi were off in a corner of the gym and the rest seemed to be setting up the net in preparation of practice. 

I wandered over to Noya and jumped on his back, instantly getting his attention. 

"Eri-chan!" He yelled while supporting my thighs in order to keep me on his back. 

"Noya-senpai!" He did a quick spin and let me down gently as I joined their conversation. 

We were interrupted when coach Ukai walked in and called a team meeting. 

Running over we sat in a circle, listening intently. 

"So, we have a game coming up. It's against Aoba Johsai." I felt eyes fall on me as I looked around, they all knew that my brother went there and was vice captain of the volleyball team. 

I brushed it off and continued listening, I was a part of Karasuno, but I loved my brother and supported him too. 

They talked strategy for a while before beginning practice. 

Practice went on for a while and I couldn't help but notice that all of the boys were pretty energetic, except for Kageyama. 

I walked over to him during his break and handed him his water bottle. 

"Thank you, Iwaizumi." 

"Of course, but Kageyama-kun. I noticed you seemed a little tense. I'm guessing it's because of the upcoming game. I just want you to know, from what I have seen from you from middle school to now, you have had so much improvement. So have faith in yourself, you got some serious talent." 

"Iwaizumi, I appreciate that. Thank you." I smiled, ready to continue my manager duties. 

Right before walking away, I called out, 

"Oh and if it makes you feel any better, Oikawa is totally freaking out about the game too." 

He grinned and had a determined look in his eye as he headed back to the court. 

"Eri-chan, want to have a sleepover tonight?" Yachi asked as she handed me more of the empty water bottles. 

"Yea for sure, sounds good!" 

"Okay, I have to head home first to grab some stuff and I'll meet you at your place." I nodded my head and went back to work, looking forward to the night. 

When I walked out of the gym and to the front of the school, I looked around searching for Hajime, but I couldn't find him. 

"Mini Iwa-chan~" I heard from behind me. 

I sighed in disappointment. 

"What the heck are you doing here Trashykawa?" 

"Iwa-chan had something to do today, and you know your mom doesn't like it when you walk home alone. So Iwa-chan sent me to come walk you home." 

I literally facepalmed as I looked at my phone to see Hajime's text message, informing me of the change. 

I sighed before walking ahead, Oikawa following me close behind.


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