I hate Toru Oikawa

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I hate Toru Oikawa.

From his styled brown hair, to his basic brown eyes.

Standing at 6 feet tall, with a smile that is rarely genuine.

A shitty taste in food and an even more obnoxious motto.

I did not like a single thing about Oikawa.

From the moment I laid my eyes on him, I knew I would never want to get involved with him.

Unfortunately for me, my older brother had other plans. More specifically, he planned to become his best friend.


It was a particularly special day for me. 

My very first day of school, my older brother Hajime Iwaizumi was only two years older than me, and promised to take care of me. 

I was so nervous as my mom helped me dress into my school uniform. It was a traditional school uniform along with a white hat. 

Throughout breakfast I felt my hands shake, each time I brought my utensil up to my mouth, the food would fall back onto my plate. 

Hajime, realizing this, reached over, and took the utensil from my hands. 

"Let me help, say 'ahh'." I smiled, showing off my teeth while allowing my big brother to feed me. 

Hajime had always taken such good care of me. We were each other's best friend and spent every moment together. At least we used to. 

Recently Hajime had been leaving the house more often to play with his friend, and leaving me all alone. It was lonely, but now that I was starting school I felt like I could finally catch up to him. 

When it was time for school, our mother sent us off with kisses and hugs. 

While walking I reached out and grabbed onto Hajime's hand, feeling warm and protected. 

We walked several blocks before we arrived at the courtyard of the school. 

As I began to take in my surroundings a voice captured my attention, 

"Iwa-chan!!" I turned at the nickname and made eye contact with the one and only Oikawa. 

At the time I didn't know it, but he would end up being my worst enemy and biggest competition. 

Hajime released my hand and I frowned at the action. 

"Trashykawa, I told you not to call me that." 

"You know you love it Iwa-chan!" I realized the lack of attention that Hajime gave me as he continued to talk about nonsense with the boy. 

I gently pulled on his sleeve, after a few tries, I got his attention. 

"Oh, Erica, this is Oikawa. Oikawa is my little sister Erica." Hajime introduced me, but I didn't care about the boy in front of me. I wanted my older brother's attention. 

"Two Iwa-chans! I'm so lucky!" Oikawa giggled while reaching out and grabbing my white hat. 

It was only then that I realized that Oikawa was carrying a volleyball with dirt smudged on it. He placed my perfect hat on top of the volleyball and smiled, 

"Look Mini Iwa-chan! It's you!" I felt anger fill up as I reached out and snatched my hat back, looking at the new dirt stains on it. 

The bell chimed, signaling the students to get to class. 

"Come on older Iwa-chan, we better hurry." Oikawa threw his arm over his shoulder as Hajime followed. 

I tried to reach out for his hand, but the crowd shoved me from side to side. 

I lost sight of Hajime as I hopelessly wandered throughout the crowd, desperately trying to find my way. 

Standing there with my soiled hat and all alone, I knew that it was all because of Toru Oikawa.


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