1 Year

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It had been about a year. 

Oikawa and I were still going strong and happy together. 

My mom was ecstatic that we had gotten together, since Oikawa had already won her over even before we were dating. 

I wish I could say the same for Hajime. At first he was not the biggest fan, but I could tell that deep down he was happy the someone he considered a brother was with me, someone who would always take care of my heart. 

Today was our official one year anniversary, and Oikawa claimed that he had something very special planned. 

I was in my second year of High School and Oikawa had already graduated, so I knew that he was spending the day preparing for it. 

As soon as I got out of school, I found him waiting at the bottom of the steps. 

He was right, the moment we became official, girls stopped bothering him. 

I raced down the steps in a hurry with the biggest smile on my face. 

Oikawa turned and shared a smile that reflected my own. 

When I reached the last step, I jumped off and was quickly caught by him. 

He lifted me up and spun me around. 

"Ahhh! Toru, I missed you!" I called out giggling. 

"It hasn't even been more than a day." He answered, but I could tell that he liked the fact that I missed him. 

"Hmm, doesn't matter." I mumbled as he put me down. 

My arms remained on the back of his neck, moving up to feel his soft hair. Slowly, I pulled him down and placed a soft kiss on his lips. 

It didn't last long, since we both could not stop smiling. 

"Come on, I'm going to take you home so you can change." He intertwined his hand with mine as we headed down the sidewalk. 

After that day, he never let me walk home alone again. 

"So what do you have planned for today?" I asked looking up at him with the most convincing puppy dog eyes. 

"That is a surprise that you'll have to wait for." He replied while swooping down to give me a kiss on the head. 

When we arrived at my house he walked in with me and headed to Hajime's room, they were still so close. 

"Wear something fancy!" He called before retreating into the room. 

I walked into my room and scanned the room overwhelmed with how much I had to do. 

I wasn't too nervous for today, it was just us, together. 

That was until I talked with Yachi at lunch. 


"So are you nervous for today?" Yachi asked. 

"Huh? Why would I be nervous, we've been together for a year now." I replied, taking a sip from my milk. 

"Yea, exactly. You've been together for a year, don't you think Oikawa would want to take the next step." 

I stopped sipping for a moment and rolled that over in my head. 

"He hasn't brought it up before. Like not even once since we've been together." 

"Hmm, wow you're so lucky. Oikawa really is a good guy. I guess I was right about the cheesy shojo manga thing!" Yachi replied, giggling. 

"Oh shut up!" I responded pushing her slightly. 

I pushed what Yachi said aside earlier, but now here I was stressing about it. 

Toru was a gentleman and a really good guy, but I couldn't lie and say that the idea of being with him hadn't crossed my mind before. 

It had to have crossed his mind too. 

I went straight to the shower and cleaned up from the long day at school. 

Then I retreated to my closet to pick out a dress. I finally decided on a black dress that accentuated my curves and made me feel, well, hot. 

I lathered lotion on my body and sprayed on some perfume. I applied the usual natural makeup before heading out of the door, feeling confident. 

I noticed that Hajime and Toru weren't in the room, so I walked downstairs to find them. 

I was wearing heels so I took care not to trip. 

As I made it to the last step, I locked eyes with Toru, who was sitting with my mom and brother. 

"Wow, you look amazing Erica." He commented while getting up to help me down the final step. 

I stepped closer to him to pull him into a hug, 

"You look nice too." 

He was wearing a black button up shirt with black dress pants. His hair was still styled perfectly and he overall looked handsome. 

"Where are we going?" I asked, hoping to get an answer. 

"Don't worry about it, come on. Or we'll miss the train." 

I said goodbye to my mother and brother before heading out the door with Toru's hand interlocked with mine. 

When we made it to the train station, I tried to find evidence of where we were going, but Toru kept me distracted. 

When we boarded the train, we sat next to each other and stayed close. 

"I'm excited." I said with a smile. 

"Me too, I hope you have fun today." He commented back. 

"I'll always have fun, no matter what you plan, because I'll be with you!" 

He blushed at the compliment and pulled me in close to kiss me on the forehead. 


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