I love Toru Oikawa

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The rest of the ride to the destination was filled with us just resting our heads on one another and enjoying the company. 

When the train finally stopped, we walked out to find that we were in Tokyo, right in the middle of the city. 

"Woah! You remembered that I love the city!" I commented, taking in my surroundings. 

"Of course, come on we have reservations!" 

Toru pulled me all the way to a very expensive looking restaurant. 

"No way! This is too much!" I called out, stopping in one place. 

Toru turned and wrapped his arms around my waist, 

"Nothing will ever be too much for you." 

The sincerity in his words and the loving look in his eyes made me melt, and quickly shut me up. 

I followed him into the restaurant, where our table had an amazing view. The food was delicious and I couldn't help but feel so grateful. 

After eating we sat for a while, chatting, and holding hands from across the table. 

Toru was going on about the Argentina Volleyball team, and how he planned to play for them one day. Watching him talk about his passion made me so happy. 

His eyes sparkled and his smile was so contagious. 

God, I loved him. I really loved him. 

I always wanted to be around him and I wanted to be a part of his life forever. 

"Hey, are you okay?" Toru asked, concerned. 

"Yeah I'm totally fine!" I assured him. 

"Well then it's time for part two!" He said with a smile. 

"Part two? But this is more than enough-" I was cut off.

"Like I said before, it will never be too much." 

I decided to accept his words and followed him out of the restaurant. 

"You seem to know your way around well." I commented. 

"Yeah, I came by to make sure everything was ready. Also my mom used to bring me here all of the time." 

"Ohh, I see." 

We continued walking until we got to the tallest building in the area. 

Toru stopped walking and stood in front of the building. 

"This is a hotel, but I don't want you to freak out. I don't have any intention on doing anything like that-" 

This time it was my turn to cut him off. 

"Relax, I trust you." 

He seemed to have calmed down at my words and we walked into the hotel together. After getting the key we took the elevator all the way up to the highest floor. 

When we got into the room Toru ran over to the window and pushed open the curtains. 

"Look at this view." He turned to look at me but I was overwhelmed. 

Toru had set up blankets on the floor with fairy lights surrounding the room. 

There were chocolate covered strawberries on a platter and roses were scattered around the room. 

"No one has ever done something like this for me." I commented while tears threatened to spill, I was so happy. 

"Aw my love, come here." 

I walked over to him and let him hold me close as he ran his hands down my back. 

"Come look at the view." He walked me over to the window where I could see so much of the city. The lights were so bright and sparkled. The view just took my breath away. 

I turned to look up at him and I found Toru looking down at me. 

"You're so beautiful." He commented, while gently touching my face. 

"Look who's talking." I giggled while leaning into his touch. 

He leaned in to give me a kiss and grabbed my hand. 

"Come here, sit down." He instructed as he walked to the back of the room, soon a projector turned on and shined on the wall in front of me. 

Soon a very familiar tuned began to play out, the theme song of Harry Potter. 

"No way! My favorite movie too! You're the best!" 

"Anything for you." 

The movie was playing as I scooted as close to Toru as possible. 

We fed each other the chocolate strawberries and enjoyed each other's company, but I had something to give him. 

"Toru, could you stop the movie for a moment?" 

"Yeah, of course. What's wrong?" 

"Well I still haven't given you your present. Here." 

I handed him a small box, when he opened it, it revealed a very pricey watch that was clearly very fancy. 

"Oh Erica, this looks expensive." 

"Nothing too expensive for you, that's not all though. Here." 

I handed him an envelope, and he looked at it curiously. 

When he opened the letter, it revealed a list that read, 

'~Why I Love Toru Oikawa~'

Toru looked over the list to find various things, things I had once hated about him, but grew to love. 

New things that I found out about him along the way, all of them were there. 

"I don't know what to say." Toru commented, flustered. 

"Say it back." I mumbled, already leaning in. 

"I love you too." 

He replied right before our lips met in a sweet kiss. 


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