Game Day

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The day had finally arrived, the match against Aoba Johsai. 

The entire day it was clear that all of the players were tense and filled with anxiousness for the upcoming game. 

The sky was blue and the clouds were a pearly white. Staring up at them I noticed that one cloud in particular resembled a tree. 

As I walked through the outdoor hallway, with Yachi by my side, we noticed Hinata and Kageyama. They were hitting the volleyball back and forth and had fierce looks. 

Yachi and I looked at each other and mentallly decided to try and loosen their tension a bit. 

Running up behind them, trying to make the least amount of noise, I went over to Kageyama as Yachi went to Hinata. 

We raised our hands and simultaneously started to wiggle our fingers directly on their waists. 

Immediately giggles started to fall out of Hinata's mouth. His head fell back as he continued laughing and his bright eyes were closed shut. 

I smiled looking at him, finally seeing the focused expression slip away. 

Unfortunately, I was not as successful. 

Kageyama was completely unfazed by the tickling, as Hinata continued to fall victim to it. 

Kageyama slowly turned around and faced me with a bored expression, 

"Iwaizumi, I'm not ticklish." 

"Yeah, I kinda noticed that." I laughed nervously, but before I knew it Kageyama's hands went to my waist and his fingers started to wiggle. 

My laughter immediately began to emit from my mouth just as loud as Hinata. 

In the middle of my laughing I looked up and noticed that Kageyama had a real smile plastered on his face.

At the end of the school day the team boarded the bus and we were on our way to the Interhigh tournament. 

My time was occupied with manager duties, but I didn't miss Aoba Johsai's dramatic entrance. 

I couldn't help but feel even more nervous for the upcoming game between them. 

I also noticed the 'Great King' vibe that came from Oikawa as he stepped into the gym and gave Karasuno a signature fake smile. 

That was the smile I despised. 

I hadn't seen him much recently, but I couldn't get his words out of my mind. 

'It all depended on me', what did that mean? 

Dismissing it I began to cheer watching Karasuno win their match. Next up was Aoba Johsai. 

I felt my hands shake and my breathing go unsteady, you would think I was about to play. 

Looking down, I felt a hand placed on my shoulder. 

Looking up, I made eye contact with Suga-senpai. 

"Erica-chan, I know you're nervous and that you're being torn in two. But just know that we're okay, both teams. We're big boys, we can handle winning or losing, but either of us will not be going down without a fight." 

I couldn't think of anything to do other than reaching out and hugging him. 

My arms went around his midsection and pulled him in. 

He let out a chuckle as he wrapped his arms around me and held me close. 

Suga-senpai smelled sweet and comforting, I wouldn't have minded hugging him longer, but he was soon called away for warmups. 

I sighed happily and continued working on organizing the water bottles. 

Aoba Johsai walked onto the court and their supporters began to cheer loudly. 

The boys were looking determined and before we knew it, the game began. 


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