Hate List

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"Mini Iwa-chan~"


"Mini Iwa-chan~"

Ignored again.

"Mini Iwa-chan~"

"What do you want Trashykawa?" I snapped annoyed by the nickname and his constant pestering.

"Why do you hate me so much?"

Oikawa had a look that I had never seen before. His brown eyes that were usually arrogant were now soft, reminding me of a puppy that had just been abandoned. I shook the thought out of my head, knowing that Oikawa could make you believe whatever he wanted you to.

"Hate is a strong word- actually yeah I guess I do hate you." I replied, continuing my walk towards my house.

"I know that, but why? I never did anything to you, at least not on purpose."

"I could give you an entire list of reasons why I hate you."

"Really? Then I want it by tomorrow morning."

"What? Why?"

"Because I'm going to devote myself to making up for each and every reason. And by the time I'm done, you won't be able to say that you hate me."

Oikawa had a serious expression and seemed to mean what he said. I rolled it over in my mind for a minute, and decided that I didn't have anything to lose.

"Fine, but don't start pouting when you did all of it for nothing."

The walk to my house was over soon after that and I was thankful to finally have a moment to myself. 

I walked over to my desk and placed my bag down. I took out a notebook and various pens in different colors. Looking down at the notebook I found myself at a blank. 

There were so many things that I could write down. 

So many things that I had thought of in my head, but manifesting them and writing them down for Oikawa to see, I felt ashamed. 

I paced around my room for a moment, allowing my mind to wander. 

If I could say that I hated him with so much confidence, then the least I could do was give proper reasons why.

~Why I hate Toru Oikawa~

After writing out my list, and feeling satisfied with my responses, I walked out of my room to shower and change into pajamas. 

The water rained down on me and relaxed every muscle in my body. 

How was Oikawa planning on making up for every single one of these reasons? 

Why did he even care? 

Why was Oikawa the only thing on my mind? 

I quickly got out of the shower and rushed to change before Yachi arrived, but I was surprised to find her already in my room browsing through the list I had just made.

"Wow, so you really do hate Oikawa?"

"Yeah, I guess I do. It was so strange, he asked me to write down all of the reasons why I hated him." I replied as she continued to read through the list.

"Hmm, maybe this is his way of confessing his undying love for you and together you'll end up getting married like the end of a cheesy shojo manga."

We stared at each other with blank faces before bursting out laughing. 

That was not going to happen.


The next morning I woke to a heavenly smell coming from downstairs. 

Hungry and curious I raced down to see what Hajime cooked. 

Unfortunately, when I got there I saw Oikawa in an apron over the stove. 

"Mini Iwa-chan! I made breakfast~" 

The breakfast smelled amazing but knowing he cooked it made it slightly unappealing. 

Deciding to put up with it, after feeling my stomach growl, I reached for a piece of bacon. 

My hand was grabbed gently and I looked up disappointed to see it was Oikawa's.

"Nope, I want my list first." He explained with a sly smile. 

I sighed, "Fine whatever." 

Racing upstairs and grabbing the list, I took one more look at it. 

There was no going back now. 

I walked back downstairs, taking care to not miss a single step.

Oikawa was serving food for himself, Hajime, Yachi, and I. 

I stayed out of the kitchen and watched him for a moment. 

He was humming a soft song as he scooped food into the plates. When he turned to place the plates on the counter, I noticed that he had a sincere and small smile on his face. I watched in awe and didn't want to interrupt him, that was until I felt someone behind me. 

"Erica this is a little weird. Like I know you appreciate a man who cooks, but this is just creepy." 

I turned horrified as Yachi smirked. I attempted to defend myself and deny even looking in his direction, but Yachi walked into the downstairs bathroom. 

I slowly stepped into the kitchen, grabbing Oikawa's attention. 

I reached out my hand, giving him the delicate paper. 

He gently took it from my hands and unfolded it. 

#1 Non Genuine Smiles 

"Mini Iwa-chan, this first one, I'll do my best to show you my real smile. But that all depends on you." 

I was ready to reply and question his words, but Hajime and Yachi rushed in eager for breakfast. 

Silencing myself we all sat together and said our thanks. 

Digging in I looked up to see Oikawa, maybe there was more to him than I thought. 


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