Not Enough

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The morning of the next big game was here. 

Time had flown by since the previous game between Karasuno and Seijo, but now it was finally time for the long awaited rematch. 

Karasuno had improved dramatically and I was confident in all of their abilities, but I also knew that Seijo had been perfecting themselves too. 

When we arrived in the large gymnasium I was overwhelmed by the intense pressure. 

This was the match that decided if either of the teams were going to move on, to eventually reach the nationals court. 

I carried the water bottles away from the team that had just begun their warmups and headed over to the water fountain. 

As I filled each bottle up, I noticed that there were footsteps coming my way. I looked up and locked eyes with Oikawa. 

"Hi Mini Iwa-chan!" 

"Hi Trashykawa, what do you want?" 

I still didn't know how to act around him, I still disliked him, but that was slowly fading away. 

Even if the hatred was to fade away I was confused about what would remain. 

"I just wanted to talk to you about number 3 on the list." 

I pondered for a second. 

What was number 3? Oh yes, 

#3 Volleyball Obsession

"Oh that's right, that one. Well I know that volleyball is your passion and that even my own brother has it. But you devote so much time to it. I guess i just don't understand why." I replied. 

"Don't worry. I can see how it would be hard for someone on the outside to understand. Volleyball is more than just a passion, it's a part of me. Ever since your brother and I were little kids we would spend time just playing volleyball. It's always been my thing. Unfortunately, even though I accept it as my thing, I guess volleyball just doesn't accept me that way. I'm not naturally gifted or talented. That means I have to work a lot harder to get where someone like Kageyama is, even though I hate to admit that. That is something I can't change or make up for, but I hope you understand a little better. I have to go, but watch me. I've improved a lot."

With that Oikawa was gone, but I was still hanging on every single word. 

When I finished the water bottles, I headed back over to the team, there they were huddled in a circle. 

"Erica-chan! Come join us!" Tanaka-senpai called out. 

I raced over as they widened the circle, and I was placed between Tanaka and Yamaguchi. 

"This is it guys, this is the next step towards the nationals court. We've practiced and now it's time to show off. Ready and..." 

"KARASUNO FIGHT!" We called out loudly, gaining the attention of others around us. 

Quickly the managers stepped off of the court and to the side as the members lined up. 

They bowed respectfully and got into their positions. 

Then the whistle blew, signifying the start of the game.

The game was coming to a close as the ball traveled to Kageyama. 

I watched anxiously, confused on who he was going to set it to since it looked like a synchronized attack. 

To the entire crowd's surprise, Kageyama dumped the ball right into the other side of the court. 

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