Best Friend

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Dawn was just breaking when I heard my bedroom door open. 

From my window, I could see the cotton candy sky stretching far as the sun peered its way in. 

I felt at peace and calm, until Hajime climbed onto my bed and began to jump around. 

"Wake up Erica! It's time to get up!" He hollered as he continued to leap, bouncing on my soft mattress. 

"Huh? It's Saturday! Leave me alone." I groaned, grabbing the pillow under my head and using it to shield my head. 

"Come on Erica! I have the entire day planned."

At those words, curiosity took over. I peered out of the pillow to see Hajime smiling, in his hand were two tickets to the zoo. 

I leaped up from the bed and shoved him out, 

"Oh my gosh, I have to get dressed! Get out!" He laughed in response, but I was already hurrying to my closet to pick out what to wear. 

When we were both finished getting ready, we headed out of the house and onto the train. 

Sitting on the train, I noticed that it was mostly empty. 

Only a few passengers scattered the train cart, each of them minding their business. 

Hajime and I sat near the back, and although the countryside view that zipped past us was beautiful, I was extremely sleepy. 

Laying my head on his shoulder, I instantly relaxed, feeling safe near my big brother. 

"Go ahead and take a nap. I'll wake you when we get there." 

His words were all I needed as I drifted off to a deep sleep, leaving nothing but a "K" as a response.

My eyes began to flutter open as Hajime slightly shook me, 

"Erica, we're here." I slowly sat up and looked around, there were no longer any passengers on the train, all of them already arriving at their destination. 

Slowly rising from my chair, I followed Hajime off of the train. 

The sun was shining, but was slightly hidden by soft white clouds, and a cool breeze was passing through. 

I sighed with happiness as Hajime and I walked towards the entrance of the zoo. 

"Hajime! Look! There are so many giraffes!" I called out. 

We had been exploring the zoo for quite some time now, but we had made it to my favorite exhibit. 

"Hajime, can we please feed them?" 

"You're such a sucker for giraffes. Fine." Hajime pulled out his wallet from his pocket and handed the man at the nearby counter money. 

In return, he gave us a plate full of leaves. Hajime handed me one as I reached out to the large giraffe. 

As it lowered its head down to eat the crunchy green leaf, I smiled and noticed Hajime snapping a picture. 

When Hajime reached out to hand feed a leaf, the giraffe's younger sibling stuck its purple tongue out and snatched the food away. 

We laughed, enjoying each others company. 

"Erica, lets rent one of the swan boats and go for a ride." 

I shook my head eagerly as we went off to the nearby lake. 

Once situated in the large swan boat, we started to pedal. 

"Erica, I'm really sorry that I haven't been spending as much time with you lately. I've been so busy that I didn't realize how long it had been since we hung out." 

"It's okay! I know you've been busy with volleyball and school. I'm just happy I got the chance to be with you now." I replied with a smile. 

"You know, it was actually Oikawa who suggested I bring you to the zoo. He said we both needed a break and time to spend together." 

I couldn't hide my shocked expression when I heard that. 

"Really? That was so thoughtful of him." I considered the next point on the list. 

#4 Stealing My Brother From Me. 

"Yeah, Oikawa does a lot for me. He even helps me plan all of your birthdays. Did you know that?" 

"No, I actually didn't. No wonder he's always there." I said, mostly thinking out loud. 

The rest of the boat ride was just us relaxing, but I kept thinking about Oikawa. 

All of this time I had seen him as, 'stealing my brother', but in reality he was helping him and supporting him in ways that I couldn't. 

I looked down to the side and smiled, this whole day was Oikawa trying to 'return my brother', but now I understood that Hajime loves and needs him too.

After returning home, I raced a couple houses down my block. 

Reaching the door, I questioned what I was even doing there in the first place. 

Before I could turn around and gather my thoughts, the door opened. 

There stood Oikawa holding the door and looking at me with a confused face. 

"Mini Iwa-chan? What are you doing here?" He questioned. 

"I-I don't know." I admitted. 

"Well come on, come inside." He grabbed my arm gently and pulled me into his house. 

I followed him upstairs and into his room. It was cleaner than the last time I had been here, when I caught him in the morning mess. 

"Are you okay?" He asked. 

"Yeah, I'm fine. I just had to tell you, I don't hate you for stealing my brother. I don't even think of it as stealing anymore. I'm grateful that Hajime has you." 

Oikawa's face changed from confused to happy. 

He smiled a soft smile and stood up from his seat. 

I wasn't sure what he was doing as he made his way over to me. 

I stepped back, clearly nervous at the situation. Looking down at the floor I waited to see what he was doing, but to my surprise, I felt a large hand placed on top of my head and gently rubbing my hair. 

"I'll always be here for Iwaizumi, and for you too. Come on, I'll walk you home." 

I stood in shock at the physical contact and I was reminded that I had not received any affection in that form for a very long time. 

"Y-yeah whatever." I commented following him out of his house, still feeling his comforting touch. 


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