Mr. Perfect

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That night I considered the next point on the list. 

It took me a minute, but I remembered. 

#2 Mr. Perfect Attitude 

I wondered what I was going to learn from Oikawa with this point, or if I was going to learn anything at all. Oikawa might just be a perfect person and there was nothing to be done. 

That night I fell asleep with nothing on my mind except for Oikawa, which was not what I expected at all. 

The next morning I awoke to my mother shaking me. 

"Erica, your brother is sick. Go to his room so he can tell you something." 

Groaning in response I dragged myself out of bed and made my way to his room. 

"Onii, how do you feel?' I asked groggily.

"I'm just a little sick, don't worry. Listen, I need you to go to Oikawa's house and wake him up. I was supposed to do it today, but now he isn't picking up his phone. Also, he's going to walk you to school since I can't." He responded. 

"UGH, fine whatever." I headed out of his room and got ready for school quickly, not wanting to be late. 

Then I headed out with my mom who drove me to Oikawa's house. 

She sped off, having to go to work, right as I knocked on the front door. 

A woman with soft brown hair, and kind eyes to match answered the door. 

"Hi Oikawa-san, I'm here to get him up for school since Hajime is sick." 

"Oh of course, forgive me I'm in a rush. But Erica-chan help yourself to breakfast on the table. Please take care of him, thank you!" 

Oikawa's mother rushed out the door before I could even say thank you. 

The house was really nice, every corner was clean and well kept. I made my way upstairs and knocked on the first door on the left. 

With no answer, I let myself in. 

I found Oikawa sprawled out on his bed with his mouth slightly opened. He looked peaceful and young, but not for long. 

I tried tapping him at first, but that didn't work. So, I began to violently shake him until his brown eyes fluttered open. 

"M-mini Iwa-chan? What are you doing here?" 

"Hajime is sick, so he sent me to wake you and asked if you could walk me to school." I replied. 

"Hmm yeah of course. What time is it?" 

"Uh, like 6:45." I didn't think words alone could get him out of bed so fast, but right after I said it, he sprinted to the bathroom. 

I took my seat on his desk chair to watch the show. 

His hair was a complete mess, which was an exact opposite of how it usually was. 

He was still in his pajamas and his loose white shirt was slightly raised up, revealing a sliver of his toned abs. 

I looked away quickly. 

He ran back and forth around his room grabbing various things in order to get ready, and I watched intrigued. 

I had never seen Oikawa in this state, he was always cool, calm, and confident. 

Watching him now though, it was like a different person. 

Oikawa rushed to grab his comb, and went over to the mirror. 

This must have been the first time he saw his hair, because his mouth dropped at the sight of it. 

I couldn't hold it in and immediately bursted into a fit of laughter. 

"Oh my gosh!" I called out amused. 

Oikawa looked over at me, with a small pout and a red tint on his cheeks, as I continued laughing. 

"You should've waited downstairs, I'm not presentable right now. I look horrible." He commented while continuing to look at his appearance in the mirror. 

"Don't be ridiculous. I don't care how you look. Anyway, you never look bad." I replied, not realizing the weight of my words. I widened my eyes in surprise. 

Slowly, I looked up to see Oikawa slightly touching his hair. His eyes were focused on the floor and he revealed a smile. 

"Thank you, I promise I'm almost done." He retreated into the bathroom to change into his uniform as I waited. 

I couldn't believe I said that. 

When he walked out I got up from my seat as we headed downstairs. Grabbing a quick breakfast, we headed out of the door quickly. 

As we walked to Karasuno, I noticed that Oikawa was constantly checking his hair in his phone's camera. 

"Are you okay?" I asked, confused by his actions. 

"It's just, do I look okay? Like is my hair alright?" 

"Um, yea i-it looks great." I commented, while fiddling with my fingers. 

I was embarrassed to say so, but I could tell he really wanted reassurance. 

The rest of the way we chatted and had small talk, but my mind was just trying to process everything that was going on. When we arrived at my school I turned to look at him. 

"Thank you for walking me." 

"Of course Mini Iwa-chan. Bye!" He turned and walked, eager to not be late. 

As school passed on I was eager to sort out my thoughts. 

The time finally came during lunch, when I was finally alone, I sat by the vending machine with a carton of milk. 

Oikawa continued asking for reassurance on his hair. 

With the way he acted this morning, it's clear that he has insecurities too. 

Those insecurities should not be invalidated just because of what others see on the outside. 

From the outside, he is the definition of Mr. Perfect, but clearly that was not the case. 

It's strange, before today Oikawa was like an entirely different person, but now I just can't see him that way anymore. 

At the end of the school day Oikawa came to pick me up again. As we walked I looked up, 

"Don't worry about number 2 on the list anymore." 

"Huh? Why not?" He replied confused. 

"Because I don't actually hate the Mr. Perfect attitude anymore, confidence suits you." 


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