Milk Bread

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It had been about a week since I had seen Oikawa, and I could not get him out of my head. 

His kind smile and actions were the opposite of anything I had expected. 

Even the thought of it was just too overwhelming. 

Only a while ago, I was completely set on hating him, but here I was being pulled in by his charm. 

I was headed downstairs when my foot once again got stuck on the step, I felt myself falling forward but realized that Hajime was still asleep. 

I prepared myself for an impact but none came. 

Instead I found myself safely wrapped in warm, strong arms. 

My arms had automatically wrapped around the individual's neck and my legs hung from being lifted, out of harm's way. 

"Mini Iwa-chan, you really do need to be more careful." 

I was carefully placed back on the floor and I pulled my head back to see that Oikawa had been my savior. 

My arms were still wrapped around him, and his arms were still around my waist. Looking up and into his deep brown eyes, I felt something in the pit of my stomach. 

"Mini Iwa-chan? Are you okay?" 

I shook the feeling and thoughts out of the way, I couldn't possibly be falling for him. 

Liking him as a friend was more than enough. 

I stepped back and released myself from him. He seemed disappointed at the action but I ignored it. 

"Why are you here?" I questioned. 

"Oh, Iwa-chan invited me over so we could cook for you!" He announced. 

"Ooo, okay. What are you cooking for me?" I asked, already feeling my stomach growling, that must've been why I felt that strange feeling. 

"What do you think?" He asked with a small smirk on his lips. 


"MILK BREAD? Gross, I don't want that!" I complained. 

"Hey, milk bread is my-" 

"Oikawa Toru's favorite food is milk bread! His personal motto is-" I began to mimic loudly, however, I was cut off by Hajime. 

"If you're going to hit it, then hit it till it breaks. I hate that motto, but I hate the fact that I remember it even more." He commented as he walked over to the fridge. 

I nodded my head in agreement. 

"I'm going to go to the store and get something else to eat with the milk bread, because bread is not a full meal no matter how much you eat." Hajime commented as he stared down Oikawa. 

"Okay Iwa-chan. We'll be here making delicious milk bread!" He called back as he gathered ingredients from the cabinets and fridge. 

I was grateful that Oikawa had spent a lot of time at my house, so he didn't need much help finding stuff. 

I climbed up on the counter top as I watched him work on the mix for the bread. 

He carefully measured the ingredients and was overall pretty good at what he was doing. 

"Who taught you how to make milk bread?" I asked suddenly. 

"My grandma did, she always used to make it for my grandpa. After he passed away, she started making it for me." 

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