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A couple of days after my outing with Hajime, I was left alone for the most part. 

My days consisted of school, volleyball, and stopping at coach Ukai's store before going home. 

I hadn't heard much from or about Oikawa either, until today. 

It was finally Saturday, and I looked forward to spending the day binge watching shows and staying in bed as long as I could. 

Unfortunately, my plans were foiled as I heard monstrous stomping coming up the stairs. 

I rolled over in my bed and hid under the soft blankets, hoping to trick the intruder. 

The door slowly opened as hushed voices began to speak. 

"Oh no, she's asleep." I assume Oikawa whispered. 

"So? We wake her up." I rolled my eyes at Hajime's lack of concern for my sleep schedule. 

"Okay, you do it. She's your sister." 

"No way! You wanted to bring her. I can't believe you're trying to make me do it after going on and on about some stupid number five on a list. Low, even for you Shittykawa." 

Of course, number five. It took a moment to recall it but, 

#5 The Things You Did As A Kid. 

"Okay, fine. I'll wake her." 

Gentle footsteps began to walk towards my bed and I felt my bed sink in next to me, indicating that someone had just sat down. 

"Mini Iwa-chan, time to wake up." Oikawa whispered. 

"You'll have to do better than that." Hajime commented, having lots of experience with trying to wake me. 

My eyes slightly opened, curiosity filling me and wanting to see the scene before me. 

Thankfully, I didn't get caught. 

"Hmm, well there's only one way to wake a sleeping beauty. Give her a kiss." 

I felt Oikawa lean closer to me slowly, the distance between us closing in. 

I wondered how Hajime was just going to let this happen. 

Flustered, I opened my eyes and grabbed the nearest pillow, slamming it in Oikawa's face. 

Oikawa slumped to the floor holding his cheek. 

"I can't believe you tried to kiss me! And I can't believe you didn't try to stop him!" I yelled. 

"Oh please Erica. You are the worst fake sleeper, you basically made eye contact with me." Hajime replied. I recalled myself opening my eyes slightly and sighed in defeat. 

"So what is it that you dorks want?" 

"To come to my nephews volleyball practice and help with manager stuff." Oikawa responded, giving his best puppy dog eyes. 

"No way, I'm staying in today." 

"Come on Erica, please." Hajime asked nicely, but it was not going to be that easy. 

"Tell you what, both of you make me food next weekend and you have a deal." I proposed. 

The two looked at each other before nodding their heads. 

Oikawa reached his hand out and we shook on it. 

Well I guess I was going to be a manager for a significantly smaller team, how hard could it be?

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