Chapter 8

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Jacks POV

"I just got a text from bill. he said that i can get my own room!" ali said excited and putting down her phone. "i think im gonna go back and pick the room." she says.

"Ill come with you" i said standing up. maybe i can talk her into letting me room with her.. probably not though she seems to like sammy. just the way they look at eachother and i dont know. i mean yeah im kinda mad about that but sammy is one of my best friends its not his fault he doesnt know i have been talking to her for years and im in love with her. i mean noone does. 

"im gonna stay and finish my food and yours since you didnt" hayes says shoveling it in. 

"Okay" i say and whe Ali and i walk outside i face my fears and ask her. "Ali.." 

"Yeah" she says stopping and looking at me.

"when we get back to the hotel do you wanna walk down to the beach maybe?" i said studdering.

"You mean like a date?" she said tilting her head to the side alittle.

"well... umm.. yeah" i said looking down and putting my hand on the back of my neck. im usually great with girls but Alis different for some reason i dont know why.

"Then yes" she says taking my hand. our walk back was pretty boring though. we didnt say much other than talking about MAGCON. all of a sudden ali gasps and i jump. "oh sorry i didnt mean to scare you but i totally forgot i didnt bring a swim suit i forgot it at my house." she says 

"its okay you can wear one of my shirts and some shorts. my shirt would probably be like a dress on you though but you can weaar that until we get you a new one." i laughed and so did she. 

"Thanks" she said jumping onto my back. "to the hotel so we can go on our date." she says pointing to the hotel i start running and she laughs. we get inside and its already 11pm i didnt know it was that late. well it was dark outside. everyone was asleep besides kian lawley. thats wierd usually they are up all night. 

"lets go find a room for us" ali said and it shocked me. did she just say what i think she said. she walks to the door and turns around and im frozen in place. "arent you coming? she asks with a little giggle. 

"oh um yeah." i said running to catch up to her. she looks at her phone and walks to the front counter. "hi bill said that i can have another room so i dont have share with the guys." she said and the person bends down then hands Ali a key. Room 35C the kings suite. 

"Yay the king suite." ali says wiggling her eyebrows. "Oh fuck" she says putting her hand on her forehead. 

"Whats wrong?" i ask putting my hand on her arm. 

"sammy.. i promised him.. well you know how before i was in a room with shawn and sammy and i had to share a bed with one of them so i said i would take turns.." she says.

"well then why dont we rotate? one day itll be me then sammy then shawn and so on." i said 

"You dont mind?" she asks putting her hand on my arm and looking into my eyes. of course i mind im in love with her but i have to lie. 

"No its fine. its only fair." i say I really do mind but I'm not gonna tell her that. but at least I get to room with her.

Sammy's POV

"Hey Nash so I wanna ask you a question but I don't want you to get mad at me." u said.

"yeah what's up dude" he said putting down the XBOX controller.

"why did you punch Shawn? I won't tell anyone but I just wanna know." I said stepping back a little afraid he might freak out again.

"I don't know I just.... i don't know." he says and looks down.

"well I'm sure someone else would have if you didn't" I said. aka me. well probably not but I'm pretty sure Cameron would have because I over heard his convo with his mom on the phone and he was talking about how he like Ali more than friends and stuff. I didn't mean to but I couldn't help it.

"yeah I guess I'm just happy that Ali forgave me I don't know what I would have done if she didn't." he says

Ali's POV

I unlock the door and jack jumps onto the bed. I laugh and close the door and It automatally locked. I jumped on top of him and he groaned.

"ouchy" he says and I laugh again. we look into each others eyes and I can't help but feel the urge to kiss him. luckily so did jack. I leaned down a little and he leaned in and kissed me. we kissed more and more passionately. I ran my hand threw his hair and he starts kissing my neck. he starts making a hickey and I grab at his shirt and he lifts it over his head and throws it to the other side of the room and I stop for a second and just look at him.

"are you sure?" he asks. and I think for a second. I have know jack forever and I do feel something special with him. I nod. I may regret this later but I really like jack. I'm not exactly a slut its more like I'm exploring my options. he picks me up and puts me under him. he takes off my top revealing my pink lace bra then my sweatpants. luckily I was wearing a thong and not Cameron's underwear. I start tugging at the waist band of his shorts. He takes them off including his boxers. then he takes off my thong. we have sex and it was way different than all those times with Sam and Ricky and once with kian. it felt... real.. I don't know how to describe it but it just felt real. suddenly there was a knock on the door.

"shit" jack says under his breath.

"shhhh" I say putting my finger to my mouth.

"Ali are you in there?" it was Shawn.

"I'll be right there I'm just getting dresses.!" I say and I push jack into the bathroom still naked.

"my clothes!" he whisper yells. I throw his clothes at him and throw on a long top and underwear. then I open the door.

"oh I'm sorry I didn't mean to disturb you" he says looking down he has his quitar and a song sheet.

"no. no its um fine come in." I say and he does. I spot one of jack socks and I kick it under the bed. "so what's up?" I say

"well I wrote you a song" he says and I'm shocked. why would Shawn write me a song?

"I have a better idea why don't we do this later when I'm actually awake" I say faking a yawn. "I mean I really want to hear it but I'd rather hear it when I can actually focus."

"yeah that makes sense I guess" he says and with that he left. I go over to the bathroom and open the door jack has his shorts back on but doesn't have his shirt on yet.

"have you seen my s..." he begins to say but I stop him by jumping on him and kissing him.

"more?" he says in between kisses.

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