chapter 11

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Alis POV 

        Okay so maybe running back to the hotel without saying a word to cameron wasnt he best choice... but i didnt know what to do. have you ever had the feeling where youre gonna barf then your body does stuff before ur mind processes it? thats kinda what happened. i dont even know i ran back to the hotel and ran into my room and nash was there and my face was all red and puffy from my crying and running more than a mile. i didn expect him to be the one in ther but before i could think about anything else nash basicly sprinted to me and caught me before i fell to the floor. maybe this trip was a mistake... maybe if i never came here i wouldnt be in this mess and i could have stayed in my dumb abusive relationship with ricky. yeah sure he abused me a few times but i always went back to him for some reason just somthing about him. he gets drunk alot... the only one that knows is jc. he has saved my life more times then i care to admit not only with the ricky thing but other ways to. older guys and.. lets just say i have a hard life and being a girl isnt that fun. thats why at one point i actually had a huge crush on jc for like a month. okay im gonna sound like a slut sleeping around with al these guys but im only human. and sams just a distraction from rickys abusing. jc was one time because he saved my life and jack g bc i really feel something with that boy idk what it is. nash didnt even ask me any questions he just let me cry and held me tight and close and waited till i was ready. 

"Ca.. came... cameron loves me..." and thats when everything spilt from me like a valcano. rickys abusiving me to jcs saving me. everything even my parents. i dont know why but it just felt so easy to talk to him like he was the new cameron because when i first met cam this is what it felt like.

"Ali you beautiful, smart, pretty, funny, fun to hangout with, and dont act annoying like most girls. to be honest he would have to be flipping crazy to not fall in love with you." He said looking into my eyes

"Yeah but hes my best friend I dont want to ruin it over a little crush that might not even last!" I said jumping face first onto the bed. "I cant lose cameron he has helped me through so much. Wow.. right now I feel like one of thoughs fans that say omg cam and nash u saved my life and stuff... lol"

Nash's POV 

i love you too. i wanted to say. but no right now she didnt need that she needed someone to help her get through this i mean like everyone knew that cam had feelings for her we all were just to scared to bring it up. right then the door flew open and selena alis little sister came running in. 

"OM GOD ALI TELL ME HE DIDNT DO THAT TO YOU THE DAY BEFORE  YOUR BIRTHDAY?!?!?!?!? she said maybe a little to loudly.

"Yes he did and i dont know what to do, i need your help. ali said i looked at her with a questioning look as to why would she ask her 15 year old sister for help with boys. she understood what my look meant and said, " selena is like a guy magnet she is the smartess person i know when it comes to guys" selena did this yeah thats me look then looked back at ali. 

"Sis hes your best friend and has been since.. since forever. if hes a true friend you should either be able to tell him you want to stay that way or say you want to give it a chance but if it doesnt work out you can go back to the way things were but if you do that DO NOT say you want to act like it never happened it might seem all sweet and innocent in your head but to him itll seem like you hated it just say you want to go back to the way it was before. " she said and im shocked by how good of advice that was

"But that doesnt help me i dont know what to say!!" ali says to selena 

"i cant help you there hun. only you can deside wether you want to or not."

"buttttt i canttt" ali whined 

"And whys that? She asked ali

"Because when a person confesses their love for you and their your best fiend its alot harder to decide then a guy you just started talking to."

"Guys I'm gonna go try to find cameron and see how he is are you guys okay if I leave?" I ask

"You weren't really saying anything anyways so sure" Selena said with an attitude but I let it slide since what's happening.

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