chapter 6

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Jack j POV

Ali and jack are just staring at each other. I don't know why but they talk to each other like they know each other. "Well let us make a video." I say Ali and jack look away and start just talking a lot and pretending nothing is wrong. I know jack though and I have since kindergarten. Ill just ask him about it later. I jump onto one of the beds at the same time Ali does and we crash into each other and land on the floor and of course I land on top of her, just my luck. Its not that Ali's not good enough or anything but if you havent noticed I'm not on the strong side and would rather not get into a fight. Like Nash and Shawn just got into well more like Ali knocked Nash out cold. I realize I'm still on top of her an look at her.

"You gonna stay there all night apple jack?" She asks. Not trying to be mean.

"Oh.. Ummm. I'm so sorry." I say getting up and sticking out my hand to help her up. She takes it.

"Why are you apologizing? Its not like that was anything compared to the hits in football, wrestling, boxing, lacrosse, and baseball." She says laughing. Shawn chocks on his sip of drink.

"You play all thoughs sports?!" Shawn and jack and I ask in unison. Ali looks at us in a confused look.

"Well yeahhh... You think I just randomly picked up how to knock out a guy with 3 punches off the street?" She says laughing.

"Well um no but how did you have time for all thoughs sports?!?!" Shawn asks

"Well not all of them are in the same season like lacrosse is in the spring and stuff. Ohhh that reminds me I brought my boxing gloves. Who wants to verse ma?" Ali looks over at Sammy who has been offly quiet which is weird BC he is never quiet... "Sammy what's wrong?" Ali asks sitting next to him. He doesn't look at her so she sits on his lap and moves his face to face her.

"Nothing I'm just tired.I'm guessing your sharing a bed with Shawn. Yay to you guys but I'm going to bed turn off the light." Ali looks at us with a worried look.

"Guys can we have some privacy?" Ali asks. We nod and leave the room.

Ali's POV

"Sammy what is this about? Is it about when I kissed Shawn?" I asked

"Why do you care you like him he likes you just go with him already." He says shoving his face into the pillow.

"No I won't leave. I hardly know Shawn and I hardly know you. Can't we all just get to know each other first?" I ask tickling his side. He holds in his laughter. But it over comes him and he starts dieing laughing.

"Stop, stop please oh please stop I can't breathe." He says and I stop. "I'm sorry for over reacting. I see how stupid it was." He says looking into my eyes.

"And I only kissed Shawn so.. I'll explain it later but if it will help I will take turns sleeping with you to. (Not literally sleeping together but in the same bed because there are only two beds)

"Awe you don't.." I cut him off

"Oh well its already happening she says about to start tickling me again but I stop her and tickle her. "OMGGGGG STOP IM.. GONNA... PEEEEEEE!!! I CANT BREATHE! we end up falling asleep and I gotta admit. He is a great guy if you get to know him.

Jack G POV

What was wrong with sammy? I mean one second he is fine the next he isnt and he seems to be upset for the same reason i am.. because shawn got a kiss from ali. i mean nobody saw that coming. i see nash with an ice pack on his head and everyone surounding him. i walk over and sam portorff tells me he has a concussion. but he keeps saying he wants to see ali. 

"IM GOING TO SEE ALI AND YOU GUYS CANT STOP ME" he says in an agrevated voice.

"Guys ill take him" i say befor eeven thinking about it. everyone looks at me even nash. i start walking and nash follows me. "so why do you want to see her so bad?" i ask not looking at him.

"Because i need to appologize to her and shawn. i just got mad because.." i cut him off

"bro you dont have to tell me why.but just remember she can knock you out with three hits so dont say anything you will regret." i say opening the door. the lights are on but ali and sammy must have fallen asleep. i shake alis sholder to try to wake her up. "ali soeone wants to appologize." i say and both ali and sammy woke up. ali rubs her eyes and looks at sammy then me then nash. 

"Nash?" ali asks looking at nash in shock. 

"yeah i wanted to appologize to you and shawn but i guess shawn isnt here. what i did was wrong and i regret it. so does my head." she looks up and sees his black eye and cut under his eye. 

"yeah im sorry to... i didnt want to have to hit you but you left me no choice." she says and with that she hugs him.

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