S1-C6: "I can still save another person!"

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-That's right, brats... This is your ceremony! Here they begin their journey to be heroes... so... welcome... to My Marvel Academy! -

An obstacle on the first day of school, one that would make the difference between those who have the potential and those who don't.

-The tests that many of you are registered with are illogical. Many have not even exploited their full potential, use your gifts as much as you can to prove that you are capable. Otherwise...you can go back to the hole you came from. -

Its coldness increased every second. And even though those words were supposed to end with us...

- Come on, if we don't overcome this little obstacle we can't call ourselves heroes! To face the villains... That will be a challenge! -

...It just lit a fire in our hearts.

- That's how easy you think it is? All right...come on, you little brats; Avengers United. -

~ YES! ~


The first test looked simple, but what was complicated was not getting "Normal" results.

-Well, it looks like it's my turn first... -

Pietro would start the first test, he looked pretty confident, and how could he not be if his gift was perfect for the situation. Next to him a girl with a squirrel's tail was also preparing for the race.

BANG! A shot was heard along with the robot.

Pietro Maximoff: 0.2 seconds


Pietro Django Maximoff

Power: Super speed (Short name)

It is a mutant capable of moving and thinking at superhuman speeds, is able to run at supersonic speeds up to Mach 10 and resist the effects of friction, oxygen reduction, and kinetic impact when moving at super speeds. It can perform feats such as creating cyclones with intense winds, running along walls, and crossing bodies of water. However, his abrasive and impatient personality is that it seems to him that the rest of the world is moving in slow motion and he is constantly waiting to catch up.

- Very good partner! You're really fast. -

- Thank you! -

The next race would be between Wanda and a blonde boy.

- Oh! It's my turn! I'm going to try my best, Peter! -

- Huh? Ah yes, cheer up! -

For a girl this pretty to talk to you like that... It's amazing!

-Dude, if you ever see my sister like that again... I'll dump you somewhere in China. -


Wanda positioned herself right next to a blond boy, he looked quite serene, his eyes remained closed, only until the initial shot sounded was when he reacted.

Wanda started flying and in an instant both of them reached the goal almost at the same time.

Wanda Maximoff: 4.8 seconds

- Phew! I think I did it right. -

Wanda Maximoff

Power: Spells

He has the ability to manipulate probability through his "spells", often manifesting them through deep red "evil rays". These spells are variable in scope, and his line of sight is limitless. Casting a spell requires a gesture and concentration on her part, although gestures are largely a focus for her concentration, and despite this precision, spells are not necessarily guaranteed to work, especially if Wanda is tired or uses her powers excessively. If overextended, Wanda's spells can be counterproductive, causing the probability to work against her will or undo previous spells.

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