another boring day

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It's Sunday (or Saturday can't remember) I was in my room alone when I heard the okumuras screaming. Something about water? Maybe I don't know.

I was bored and my dragon was on the bed. Soon I heard the brothers leave.  I let out a breath.

It's rough trying to be a exorcist but it's that or be hunted down I guess.

I heard my stomach growl. Maybe the ukobach has something.

I walked into the kitchen. "Hay you got any food I can munch on?" I asked. I heard a bit of noise and a plastic container was out on the counter. "Thanks" I said.

I broke the chopsticks and eat some. This is delicious. I looked around to see if anyone was here. Great! I let my tail out.

It's like rins except with some scales. My tail swung left to right.  I knew it was rude to leave your tail out but it felt more comfortable this way.

This is delicious. After I finished I put it in the sink. "Thanks again it was amazing" I said with a smile.

I can't remember the last time I had a lazy day. I bet a lot of people are out with there friends.

Even if I say I don't want any there I still apart of me that wants it. Someone to care for me. O well life ain't fare I guess.

I got up and went to my dragon. "Hi" I jumped and then looked at the dragon. Crap forgot I could hear demons. "Sorry hi" I said back.

It laughed "don't worry about it.

"You are vary lucky to have me but be careful one slip up and I'll kill you" he said still reminding me. Man he is stuck up. "I'll try not to mess up but no promises. Does this mean I should unseal you for now?" I asked. "It's your choice. I could care less." He said.

I shrugged my shoulders. "Ok well have a good day" I said and I riped the paper. Well today is boring. I can't believe I'm going to say this but I wish I was back in class. Least there I did something.

I would start a fight but I rather not have to fight to live.


"What the?!" I look out the window. I could see a outline of something thanks to my dragon eyes. It looked like a giant cat?

This looks interesting. I jumped out the window. I than remember normal people don't do that. Luckily no one saw.

I ran to see exorcist lined away. I look infront of them to see run talking to the cat.

The cat seemed in pain. "Your lieing!" Is all it said. Rin was able to calm it down. It turned small again. The poor thing was in pain.

The brothers were walking away with the cat. I better get out of here before someone spots me.

Next thing I knew I was being tackled. "Who are you?!" Someone screamed.

"I go here you idiot!' I said. Yukio came up to me. "Let her go she's a student of mine." The man got off.

"F/n what are you doing here?" Rin asked. "Heard I loud scream and came to see" I said. "Would you like to sit with us?" Yukio asked. "Sure."

We sat down and they had a deep talk.

"Hay what's your name?" The cat asked. I looked at it. "I'm f/n and you are?" I asked. "Kuro" it said.

"May I ask why you were having a tantrum?" I asked. "I wasn't having a tantrum I was just sad. My master died." Kuro said. "Death is a hard thing" "you sound like you have experience?"

"Ya plenty of it." I said. I look at rin and yukio look at me shocked. "How are you talking to kuro?!" Rin screamed. "I did it again" I said face palming.

"Geeze well to late now." I said laughing. "How could you do that?!" Yukio screamed. "You can't tell anyone but I'm half demon dragon half human" I said

To say they were shocked was a understatement.

Different (Rin okumaru x reader) CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now