Chapter 20

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The next week passed quickly. Isaac went home on Monday. I offered to drive him, but he ended up getting a ride to the airport from Amy.

I went to Mia's house every day after work, and stayed there a couple nights too. It was Friday and I pulled into the driveway right behind Mia.

"Hey handsome!" She said as she got out of her car.

I ran up to her, picked her up, and pinned her to her car, just as I kissed her. I held the back of her neck as I slipped my tongue into her mouth. She moaned into the kiss, and I slowly pulled back.

"Hi." I said against her lips.

She smiled as I set her back on her feet. I locked my truck, and I took her hand as we walked inside.

"Mommy!" I heard just before Mia was tackled by a sparkly dress with legs.

"What about me?" I asked pouting.

Izzy laughed as she stretched her arms out for me. I picked her up and hugged her.

"So, I had an idea." I said to Izzy.

"Ice cream!" She squealed.

"How did you know?!" I asked, surprised, as I walked into the living room. She just laughed. "I was thinking that every Friday, we should go to the park, then get ice cream."

"That would be fun!" Lynn said.

"Can we go now?" Izzy asked. I looked over at Mia, silently asking. She smiled and nodded. "Do I have to change?"

"I think you are perfect just the way you are." I said, "But that's up to Mommy."

"You can go as Elsa." Mia said laughing.

"You're sure you are ok with this?" I asked Mia.

"Yes, have fun." She said kissing me.

I took Izzy out to my truck, and put her in her seat. I bought a little mirror that sits by my rear view mirror, so that I can point at Izzy and can see her as I drive. I adjusted it, and smiled at her. She looked so excited.

"Baby Shark, please!" She said.

"Of course, what else?!" I said, as I put the song on repeat. I'm pretty sure I hear this song in my sleep now.

We both sang along as we drove to the park. When we got there, I grabbed a water, a packet of fruit snacks, and a little bag of goldfish out of my console, for Izzy.

We played at the park for almost an hour. She has gotten so much more brave. She goes down the big slide by herself now, and even does the monkey bars. I stay very close, in case she falls, but she does them herself.

Her cheeks were a rosy red when I put her back in the truck, and gave her the little bottle of water. She drank half of it, and I handed her the bag of goldfish to eat while I drove. The 'no food in the truck' rule is only allowed to be broken by my Baby Girl.

I sent Mia a quick text that we were at the ice cream shop, then got Izzy out. I got the little cup and she picked out chocolate and strawberry ice cream, then we topped it with all the candy she wanted. Mia wasn't here, so we got away with it. I bought her a little bottle of water too, and I grabbed two spoons. She picked the table with the pink chairs, and we sat to eat.

"Thank you, Bear." She said as she shoved a huge bite of ice cream in her mouth.

"You're welcome, honey." I said as I just watched her annihilate the ice cream in front of her.

I stole a bite here and there, just to make her laugh.

We went out to the truck, and I grabbed a package of wipes, and cleaned her off. We were home a little while later. She had a brief sugar rush, then she promptly crashed on the couch after a dinner of grilled cheese and tomato soup.

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