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**8 months later**

"Go slow please..." Damien said as I carefully got out of the truck at home.

"I'll help her in, you get Izzy and Ace." Mom said to Damien.

She helped me inside, and I sat down on the couch in the living room and took a deep breath, thankful to finally be home. I heard my phone ding, so I quickly grabbed it before Damien came in.

Amy: We're almost there.

Mia: Ok, just come in when you get here.

"Izzy, go sit by Mommy, but be careful, ok?" Damien said as he set down Ace in his little car seat.

He unbuckled his seat, and got him out. I had a blanket and I wrapped it around him when Damien set him in my arms.

"Amy just texted me that they are close." I told him.

"Ok, do you need anything?" He asked, looking flustered.

"Maybe a bottle of water?" I said.

"Ok." He said, walking into the kitchen.

"He's so little..." Izzy said as she gently held Ace's hand.

"You were just a little bit bigger when you were born." I said as I pushed her hair out of her face.

"Mia, honey. Does Izzy need anything to go with Liam tonight?" Mom asked.

"No, he's just taking her to dinner with Sarah, then bringing her home." I said as Damien brought me my water and Izzy a juice box.

The front door quietly opened, and Amy and Isaac came inside.

"Does it feel good to be home, Mama?" Amy asked as she sat on the coffee table in front of me.

"Yes! I hate being in the hospital." I said with a chuckle.

Everyone came into the living room as I handed Ace to Amy to hold.

"Did you guys decide on a name?" Amy asked.

"Yeah, after you left last night we decided on Ace Wolfe Black." Damien said proudly.

"Aww. Named after his Daddy." Amy said looking down at him.


It felt so good to relax for a while. I handed Ace to Damien, when I heard Liam at the door. I opened it, just as Izzy jumped in his arms.

"Hey sweetie!" Liam said, hugging her.

"Hi Daddy!" She said.

Liam looked at me, and I opened the door for him to come inside out of the cold of March.

"Are you sure you should be up?" he asked as we walked into the living room.

"I'm ok." I said nodding.

Damien stood up, and walked over to me, helping me sit with one hand as he held Ace.

"Congratulations, man." Liam said sticking his hand out to Damien.

"Thanks." Damien said with a smile.

"I half expected him to come out covered in tattoos." Isaac said, making everyone laugh.

Liam sat next to me, and handed me an envelope. "I don't want to ruin the moment..." He said hesitantly.

I opened the envelope and pulled out a piece of card stock. I flipped it over to see a wedding invitation.

"No way!" I said, looking up at him. I have never seen him smile so big in my life. "Congratulations!" I said as I hugged him.

"What is it?" Amy asked looking over my shoulder.

"Liam and Sarah are getting married!" I said.

"I don't know if you want to come... but you can... if you wanted..." he stumbled.

"I wouldn't miss it for the world." I said putting my hand on his.

"Well, I should go. I'll have her back by 8." Liam said as he took Izzy's hand, and walked out the door.

"Give him to Isaac." I said to Damien.

"Oh, no... I'm way too scared to hold him." Isaac said.

"I'll help you." Amy said, turning into him.

Damien carefully set Ace in Isaac's arms, and came back to sit by me.

"Do you have baby fever yet, Amy?" Mom asked her.

"I don't think so..." She said as she gently rubbed Ace's head.

"Well, you two look good with a baby." Mom said as she sipped her tea.

"I think we need to finalize living together first." Amy said with a chuckle. "I kind of like the idea of being the crazy aunt and uncle that get super drunk and ruin all family get togethers. We could just let Mia and Damien have all the kids, and borrow them when we want to."

"You two already do that..." Damien said, shrugging.

We all laughed.


Later that night, I was laying in bed with Ace next to me, when Liam brought Izzy back. Damien met him at the door, and then got Izzy changed into jammies.

"Mommy, can I be with you guys for a little bit?" Izzy asked as she walked into our room with Damien.

"Yeah honey, come on up, carefully." I said.

She climbed up and laid down next to Ace. Damien slipped into bed behind her, and wrapped his arm around her.

"He's so cute." Izzy said as she looked at her baby brother.

"That's because he looks like his Mommy." Damien whispered to her.

"I love him." Izzy said just before her little eyes closed.

"How are you doing?" Damien whispered to me.

"I've never been better." I said looking at his gorgeous smile.

"I love you, Mia." he said.

"I love you too, Damien." I said softly.

Ace Wolfe Black

Ace Wolfe Black

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