chapter 3: one condition

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7:38 PM, Thursday, September 3rd, 2021

His head sunk into the crook of your neck, the both of you breathing heavily. The bed was a mess, you were running your hand up and down his bareback. This was not how the tutoring session was supposed to go.

"Hey," you decided to speak first.
He lifted himself up, his eyes were glossy, with some hairs stuck to his sweaty forehead, and his silver chain dangling over you.
"I need to get home soon, it's getting dark." you didn't want to leave, but you knew you should.
"Just a little bit longer," he said groggily, bringing his head back down. What's gonna happen? What am I gonna do when I go home? Text him? Wait til' tomorrow? What if he acts like this never happened? Should I act like it never happened? This was not how the tutor session was supposed to go.


You thought walking into school on the first day was embarrassing? Today you could barely keep face. You two hadn't talked at all last night after leaving his house. You hadn't told anyone about it, but you wondered if he had. I mean, why wouldn't he? he seemed to have a close-knit group of friends you didn't know the names of. You would see them horse around at lunch and playing basketball. You didn't really know anyone's names at school unless they'd talked to you before.

Choerry saw you in the hall and came running over. Why is she running so fast? Oh no, oh no, does she know?! Did she find out?? Wait, DOES EVERYONE KNOW?! Oh gosh.
"Y/N!!" she grabbed your hands.
"W-what?! What happened??" you felt like fainting.
"This place is too open, let's go to your locker." she started pulling you down the hall.
"Uh, okay." you were praying that Beomgyu had already been to his locker, and was sitting in class or something. When you turned the corner you were relieved to see that Beomgyu wasn't there.
"Okay, let's keep this down to a whisper," she said. The anticipation was killing you.
"I think there is a romance among us." she grinned.
"WHAT?!" you couldn't believe it, she really knew.
"Yeah, you know how Jeno and Yeeun are like best friends?" a wave of relief came over you as she mentioned other people.
"Yeah?" you calmed down.
"Well- Oh, hey!" Choerry cut herself off abruptly. She was waving to someone walking behind you. It felt like it happened in slow motion. You turned to the left, expecting to see Yeeun or Jeno because of Choerry's nervousness. But of course, it wasn't. It was the last person on earth you wanted to see, right next to you. Choi Beomgyu. You made eye contact for a split second. Everything came back into regular motion.
"Hey guys," he said blankly, avoiding eye contact.
"Let's continue this later," she whispered to you.
"Have a good Friday guys!" she said.
No, Choerry no! Don't leave me! Please!!
She was gone. Crap. You couldn't look at him. You wanted to, but everything was so awkward.


You couldn't concentrate. No matter how hard you tried, you couldn't stop thinking about last night. I should've texted him.
Suddenly, a paper ball appeared in front of you. Based on the direction it was thrown, you already knew who it was from. You looked back at him, a confused look on your face. He looked at you before looking back down. You turned back around, starting to open the crumpled paper.

Meet me at the front park after school?
You were surprised, but then again, you had no idea what was going through his mind anyway.

You crumpled the ball back up and tossed it to him. What am I gonna do? you slumped down into your chair.


I'm so dumb. You sat alone on the park bench, Beomgyu wasn't there. Why did I do this?? You sighed leaning your head back to face the sky.
"AHH! Oh my gosh! You scared me!" to your surprise Beomgyu's face was staring down at you.
"Sorry, I went to get snacks." he smiled awkwardly, holding a convenience store bag over your head. He walked around to the front of the bench and sat down.
"Banana or strawberry?" he pulled out two milk drinks.
"Banana," you said.
"Yes!" he poked the plastic straw into the strawberry milk.
"So what did you want to talk about?" you said, sipping on the banana milk.
"Look, I wasn't intending for things to go as far as they did, but I figured I should tell you this properly," he said.
You raised an eyebrow.
"Y/N, I like you." he said.
You suddenly got nervous. You already knew he liked you, but him telling you straight up felt weird. You were starting to question whether or not you liked him all along.
"Sorry for ignoring you today, I didn't know what to say." he rummaged through the bag of snacks.
"It's okay, I did the same thing." there was an awkward silence after you spoke.
He could tell you were thinking about something which made him nervous.
"We can date, but on one condition," you said. He raised his eyebrows, he wasn't expecting you to jump right to dating.
"Condition?" he asked.
"What is it?" he opened a bag of chips.
"For now, can we keep this a secret? I don't want you to feel hurt, it's just, I want to wait a little bit before letting people know."
"Fine with me." he smiled at you.
That's it? No questions?
"Promise?" you asked him.
"Promise!" he held out his pinky finger.
A pinky promise?
It reminded you of when you were looking at his hands last night. You smiled, interlocking your pinky with his.
"You're an odd person Choi Beomgyu."

a/n: putting aside that you already have the will to SLEEP with a cute boy you just met, would you dive into dating someone this quick?? LIKE IRL??? i might but prolly not (i'm literally just saying maybe cause it's beomgyu lets be honest).

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