chapter 21: the great pitch

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3:45 PM, Monday, January 11th, 2022

You closed your locker door sighing. Beomgyu was nowhere in sight. He must've left already, you thought. You kept looking around for Hyunjin, worried he might be waiting for you. You lifted your bag on your shoulders, approaching the exit door step by step. He's probably right by that door like always, you dreading having to deal with Hyunjin. He did look a little different today, you thought back to your English class. Hyunjin couldn't seem to focus, from the couple of times you glanced at him, he wasn't looking at the board nor you. Here we go, you crossed the threshold of the door, sunlight consuming your vision. The air was windy and the sky was grey, creating a calm winter mood. You looked to your left to see Hyunjin standing there, your eyes meeting. Crap! you kept moving, looking down at the ground. Suddenly, you felt an arm come around your shoulders. Your body tensed, expecting it to be Hwang Hyunjin, but you were shockingly wrong.
"Lee Jeno?" you looked up at him.
"How was your day Y/N?" he asked you.
"Oh, it was fine?" you were still confused.
"Cool, cool, have you started your history project?" he asked nonchalantly.
"I-I'm sorry, what is going on?" you chuckled.
"Hyunjin won't be following you with us here," he whispered with a smirk.
"Us?" you asked.
"You seriously didn't notice me here?" you heard a familiar voice coming from your right.
"Huh?" you turned to see Beomgyu next to you.
"Hi~," he said.
"Sorry," you smiled.
"So Y/N how does pizza sound?" Jeno said cheerfully.
"What do you mean?" you asked.
"Well everyone is going out for pizza tonight and we want you to come," Beomgyu said.
"Who's everyone?"
"Choerry, Eric, Hyeongseo, Yeeun, Beomgyu, Lia, YangYang, and me," he smiled. That's a lot of people.
"It's a Monday, I've got homework to do," you said.
"C'mon this will probably be our only chance to get everyone together!" Jeno playfully nudged you with his shoulder. You thought for a second.
"Alright," you gave in.
"Yes!" the two boys exclaimed.
"So how are things with you and Yeeun?" you turned to Jeno with a cheeky grin. He stopped in his tracks, a nervous look on his face.
"I'd rather not talk about that right now," he gulped.
"Looking a little green over there Jeno," Beomgyu chuckled.
"It definitely needs work," he sighed, his arm falling off your shoulder.
"You'll get it bud," you patted his back. You then felt Beomgyu's hand slithered into yours. You turned to him, smiling as you wrapped your fingers around his.
"Onward!" he held your interlocked hands straight out, beginning to run down the street.
"Ah!" you grabbed onto Jeno's sleeve, pulling him with you two. Beomgyu continued to drag you and Jeno down the pavement, the three of you linked together.
"Stop! Stop! I'm gonna fall!" Jeno said between bursts of laughter.



Where is that jerk? Choerry stomped out of the school doorway. She bit her lip as she scanned the far crowd of exiting students. She immediately began jogging forward as she spotted that infamous blonde ponytail. Gotcha! her purple hair whipped around in the wind, with her white backpack bouncing up and down behind her. As she got closer to her target, she stopped, looking around. Choerry then looked down at her feet, this'll do. She shuffled her right shoe off, raising it in the air. Number Eight, Choi Yerim, is about to pitch a stinger! She steps up to the plate with confidence, centering her breath. She straightens her posture, aiming for the target. Choerry focused her vision, licking her lips. Will she make the hit or will she be faced with the embarrassment of a missed throw? she rolled back her shoulders. And with that, she goes for it! Choerry swung her arm back twice, releasing the shoe from her grip on the second swing. She watched her shoe spin up in the air, making a crash landing on the person's head. And she makes it successfully!! Almost in shock at how she actually timed it perfectly, Choerry froze. As she watched the person's hands grip their head, their body leaning forward, Choerry realized she had just thrown her own shoe. I thought I was wearing my school shoes! she covered her mouth, the other students staring at her.
"You never saw me!" she said, putting her finger over her mouth. And now she flees the scene! Choerry quickly hobbled away, now with only one shoe. The crowd is going wild! she smirked, taking an alternative route to exit the school courtyard. Revenge is sweet but it has consequences doesn't it? Ugh, why did I have to throw my good shoe?! I'm seriously a world-class idiot, she continued down the street.

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