Broken peace a new threat draws near

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Our story takes place after the tournament of power and the heroes of earth enjoy the era of peace but little did they know an even more dangerous threat draws ever closer.

Somewhere in the universe

In a far away section of universe 7 the group known as the Frieza force was in a spot of trouble which would start a chain of events leading to chaos. "L...Lord Frieza" a soldier called out as the Frieza appears looking at the destruction done to his ship.

"I have to say for a single person to bring the Frieza force to it's knees is certianly rare as such they must be dealt with" Frieza said as he shoots a beam at the attacker only to see it do nothing as he begins to walk closer towards the emperor of the universe before stopping. "I have no issue with you I only want to know about Planet Vegeta and it's destruction" he asked as Frieza smiled before looking at him.

"Well it was destroyed by a meteorite why did you want to know" Frieza asked as he saw purple energy surround the attacker. "To see if you would tell the truth but no my name is [Fn] and I'm the lost saiyan" I told him as the whole ship began to shake and tear itself apart.

"W...What is this" Frieza said fear as I walk past him knocking out his army behind him. "Go to earth and tell the other saiyans I'm coming for their time is over" I told Frieza as I left the ship and allowed him to leave as I make my way to another planet.

While Frieza was heading for earth [Fn] was heading for a planet where a strong saiyan energy was coming from. "If I remember this is Vampa not much here and yet I can sense a saiyan here but where" I say as I begin to focus on the energy to find it's source.

Meanwhile a group of 3 was fixing up camp before a tall man looked out to the distance. "Broly you ok" a green woman with white hair asked as Broly continued looking out into the distance which worried her and the other member of their group as I located the source.

"There" I told myself before flying of in the direction of the strong power level and the saiyan it was coming from. "Cheelai, Lemo get inside" Broly said before I arrive and float just above them looking at them.

"So your the first saiyan to feel my wrath let us see if you have a warriors blood" I told him as I lower myself to the ground before he rushed at me in his base form. Broly throws punch after punch but I block every single one before elbowing him into the cave wall as Cheelai and Lemo run over to him but I just walk closer and closer.

Broly quickly gets to his feet and rushed at me before getting stronger and slightly larger with bright yellow eyes. *So this is his primal saiyan state pointless* I thought before punching Broly in the throat knocking the wind out of him and then unloading with rapid knees and punches which caused him to bleed as I hold him by his hair.

"You call yourself a saiyan what a joke" I told him as I kick Broly towards Cheelai and Lemo and prepare to attack. "Do me a favour Broly should you see King Vegeta tell him his son will not escape me" I say as a purple orb forms in my hand before Lemo tossed a small metal ball which shoots out smoke blocking my view as they make their escape of world.

"They only delayed the inevitable because if that was all the last of the saiyans have then my goal is ever closer" I say to myself as Broly, Cheelai and lemo escape off world.

To the group

"That guy is crazy I mean he beat up Broly like he was nothing we need to get some distance from that guy and fast" Lemo says while flying at high speed while Cheelai had Broly's head on her lap. "Lemo take us to earth it's the best place since Son Goku is there" Cheelai said as they make their way to earth.

And so with Frieza, Broly, Cheelai and Lemo all heading for earth the era of peace was about to be over which our heroes would soon realise.

To earth

The care free planet was enjoying the era of peace but Vegeta and Goku never stop training as they always spar with each other daily. "KA...ME...HA...ME" Goku shouts as he charged up his attack.

"GALICK" Vegeta shouts as he charged his attack as well. "HA, GUN" they both shout as their attacks collide resulting in a large explosion which Goku laughs off while Vegeta just floats down before sensing a strong power level approaching them and head to it's source.

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