Team Fu arrives a new power awakens

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As I was flying I look in the corner of my as I feel the energy of 3 people following me.

"3 power levels could it be Fu, Towa and Mira no I feel the energy of 1 male and 2 females lets see who they are" I tell myself before finding a clearing with nowhere for them to hide. As the group lands a few feet away from me they had the energy of saiyans but not of this universe and if memory serves me correct these are the saiyans of unverse 6.

"Why are you following me" I asked as a female saiyan with very spiky hair and purple baggy pants step forward. "I'm Caulifla that's Cabba and this is Kale as for why we are following you easy I want to fight you after I heard you beat Son Goku" Caulifla told me as I just looked at her before turning away.

"No you are nowhere near as strong as Kakarot so leave me alone" I tell her before walking away only to feel her rush at me but I dodge. "Fine you want to fight ok go on turn into a super saiyan" I tell her as she did it with easy before rushing at me but I just stand their and let her punch but none of them ever hit me.

"What the hell none of my attacks even touched you" Caulifla says as I look at her with no emotion on my face releasing the force of my ki which caused her to kneal on the ground and gasp for air as it did the same to Cabba and Kale. "Do you see now this is the difference in our power and it's this difference that makes me nothing but a monster" I say before letting up so they can breath as I fly away as they try to catch their breath.

"We can't even compare to that kind of power" Cabba said as they all sit on the ground before getting hit by a ki blast which I could hear a couple miles away as 3 more power levels could be felt and this time I knew who it was. "So they are here oh well to bad for the universe 6 saiyans" I tell myself as I was about to leave but look back and think about how it happened to me.

"Looks like we caught 3 more saiyans oh this will be so much fun" Fu said as Mira and Towa capture Caulifla, Cabba and Kale. "E-100 was with them I can feel his ki" Mira says before getting hit in the back by a ki wave Towa gets knocked away as well.

"Look at this E-100 is alive" Fu said in a cocky tone before I help the other saiyans to their feet. "Fu I was going to leave but I refuse to let you do to them what you did to me" I tell him as he grips his weapon ready to attack as I prepare to defend before Fu disappears and I soon get a large wound gush open on my back as he reappears.

"Oh look after all the experiments it seems your blood has turned black interesting" Fu says as he looked at my blood on his blade before feeling a punch to his gut knocking his glasses off. "Don't think I didn't get better over the past 45 years wrong I have been getting stronger and stronger ready for the day when I can kill you" I told his as my wound began to heal quickly.

"Let see if I can push you a little further Mira" Fu said as he picks up his glasses and I turn to see Mira holding Kale in a choke hold as Towa keeps Cabba and Caulifla pinned to the ground. "LET HER GO FU" I shout as I watch Mira squeeze tighter before I rush at the feild protecting them only to get shocked and pushed back before trying again.

"Why do you care about them I mean they ain't even from this universe" Fu asked as I keep pushing even more. "Because like me they are saiyans I wasn't there to help defend my planet but I will protect them that's why I came here to force the other saiyans to get stronger should I fail to stop you now let her go" I told him as I watch Kale lose consciousness makes a hidden power rise up.

"I SAID LET HER GOOOOOO!" I shout as the feild disappears and purple energy surrounds my body as my hair goes like a super saiyan only the colour is purple before I disappear as Mira and Towa are knock back and I soon reappear holding Kale in my arms. "Cabba, Caulifla lets go" I tell them as we fly away while Fu smiled at my sudden transformation.

"Should we go after them" Mira asked as Fu shakes his head. "No leave them be for now after all once E-100 has reached his real purpose only then can we make the final move" Fu said as he, Mira and Towa leave in the other direction.

Somewhere else

Me, Kale, Cabba and Caulifla land on a small island as I lay Kale on the ground and then sit down as I turn back to base form. "Who the hell are those bastards" Caulifla said as I see them look at me.

"They are a group of demons but Fu is even worse because not only is a demon but a mad scientist he doesn't care about life only experiments it wouldn't surprise me if he even experimented with death" I say as I take deep slow breath. "You seem to know them" Cabba asked as I look at him before speaking.

"They experimented on me as a result I became stronger, faster and have greater ki but they also made me a half demon I thought I was alone until they showed me Son Goku, Vegeta, Broly even you 3 but once I found out what had been done I knew I was alone" I said as Kale begins to sit up.

"Your not alone anymore" Kale tells me as I look at the ground as I watched them all talk which made me smile.

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