All new fusion

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In the last chapter we saw Fu talking to a mysterious female and you were figuring out a new way of fusion.

Kale and Cabba are out shopping, Broly and Cheelai are sitting on the roof of Capsule Corp enjoying there time together, Lemo was watching tv, Vegeta was just training by himself which was nothing new however Caulifla was sparing with Goku trying to learn super saiyan god but to no success meanwhile you and Bulma were working on a new fusion technology.

"Ok Bulma monitor the energy levels" I say as we perform simulations on our new invention in the hopes of making a all new fusion. "Energy levels are looking good holding steady at 70% and increasing" Bulma says as the simulation begins to fuse the objects before alarms go off.

"Fusion core overloading the power is too much" Bulma says as the subject gets atomised which caused it fail. "Damn it another failure" I say out of anger at the failed experiment which had done 20 times now only to get the same result before Bulma placed a hand on my shoulder.

"I'm gonna get a coffee want any" Bulma asked as I nod with my head reasting on my hands before she leaves the room and someone else enters. "Is everything ok" Kale said as she walked over to me.

"No this stupid thing just will not work we are getting the reaction but once it hits full fusion it then destabilises" I tell her as she rubs my back with her soft hands to try and relieve my stress at the failed experiment. "Maybe your over thinking things maybe it's like a hose and it's just to much power" Kale says in a weird way but that got me thinking before an Idea came to me and I start up the simulation again.

"70% now 80% and holding steady" I say Kale watched the simulation as the level goes higher and higher. "Ok fusing in 3...2....1" I said before pushing a button and the simulation fused without an issue meaning success as I jump up and turn to Kale.

"Haha we did it Kale your a bloody genius" I tell her before kissing her cheek and rushing out the room to get everyone together while Kale was stuck in a daze. *He kissed me* Kale thought as a large blush came on to her face.

"Looks like someone has fallen for the new saiyan in the universe" Bulma said walking in with a cup of coffee in her hand. "W....what I'm j....just hot yeah hot because it's so warm" Kale says in embarrassment as Bulma sets down her coffee and placed her hands on Kale's shoulders.

"It's ok Kale besides I think he likes you the same way and trust me being a human married to a saiyan is not easy but my love for Vegeta, Trunks and Bra is what I enjoy the most because if I had the choice I would do it all again" Bulma tells as they leave to go join the others since you wanted to show off your new fusion method.

Once everyone was outside you got ready to show the fruits of your work into a whole new fusion method. "Ok everyone thanks to Kale me and Bulma have managed to create a whole new fusion method I call it link but I need Vegeta and Goku" I told them as the 2 saiyan walk over and place the bracelets on their arms.

"So the hell does this work" Vegeta asked as I smile at my genius. "Ok so the way the link work is by taking your energy and then combined them together no dance is needed just say link fusion but first Vegeta please turn your bracelet to the red setting and Goku blue" I tell them as they do before check it is all set.

"Ok now say link fusion" I say as they nod before we all step back slightly. "LINK FUSION" they both said as Vegeta turns red while Goku turns blue before both clash together and Vegito is standing in their place.

"Wow it worked by the way how long does it last" Vegito asked as I walk over to him. "The link fusion will last based on your energy so once you run out of power you'll unfuse but just say link break and the fusion will be undone sooner" I told them as they do and unfuse straight away which showed my method worked.

"The link has 2 settings base and support basically red is for base of the transformation and blue is for support since I had Vegeta as the base and Goku as the support they merged into Vegito" I tell them as we all discussed what other things it could do.

To Fu's secret lab

Fu was looking over his plans as Mira walks in causing him to stop as he turns in his chair to face Mira. "What is it Mira" Fu asked as Mira looked uneasy at only those 4 words. "We have recieved information that E-100 has created something called link fusion" Mira as Fu just looks unfazed as he leans back in his seat before a loud explosion appears behind Mira causing him to turn round.

"So this is your hiding place I must say not what I expected" the person said as he walks in shocking Mira with Fu only giving a smile. "I think it's cozy Frieza" Fu tells him as Frieza prepares to attack before Fu makes an offer. "Hold on instead of killing me why don't we work together tell you what get me what I need and I will grant you the end of the saiyans" Fu says which caght Frieza's attention.

"I'm listening" Frieza replies as Fu stands and walks over to him. "Gather me the 7 dragon ball and all the saiyans will be yours" Fu says as Frieza joins Fu's group and sets out to collect the 7 dragon balls.

Why does Fu need the dragon ball? What is the fate of our heroes? Find out in the next adventure of Dragon Ball Lost Saiyan.

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