Dark Fusion: Double trouble

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In the last chapter we saw you and Fu locked in a heated battle but Fu was only focused on project olmypus.

Shockwaves could be heard as me and Fu battle at full power, Goku and Frieza turn it up by going golden Frieza and super saiyan blue Goku, Vegeta also goes super saiyan blue while in his battle with Mira, Kale was still going berserk on Towa after her seductive comment about you at the same time Android 21 was struggling to defend herself against Caulifla.

"This saiyan has lost control but I never imagined she was this powerful" Towa says as keeps avoiding Kales fists but gets caught by ki blasts. "You think pushing my buttons was a good idea well now you get to die" Kale (berserk) says pointing at Towa who is now going on the attack but she does little less thanmake Kale's clothes dusty. "Looks like Towa is having trouble" Mira says only taking his eyes off Vegeta for a second before Vegeta connects with a powerful punch causing Mira sending him flying into Towa.

"So you want to team up Vegeta" Kale (berserk) says as she and Vegeta begin to fight like a team putting Towa and Mira on the defensive. "It looks like the prince of monkeys is getting the best of the demons such a pain but I only care about putting this filthy monkey in his place" Frieza (golden) said as Goku (super saiyan blue) rushed at him with every punch full of power. "You bitch you nearly broke my glasses" Android 21 said as she blocks Caulifla attack while also fighting back but with a struggle since Caulifla was in her super saiyan 2 form.

"Come on is that all you got" Caulifla says as she begins unloading with a barrage of punches and kicks soon followed by a ki blast sending her towards the ground. "You talk big but can you back it up" Android 21 said as she and Caulifla continue to fight all the time your fight with Fu could be heard with every clash. Me and Fu go higher and higher in the sky never stopping our attacks and soon find ourselves just outside of earths atmosphere.

"I have to say E-100 you have managed to improve in a short time but I did create you and I always have a backup plan" Fu told me as I see him pull out a device from his pocket and place it on his chest causing his shirt to burst off. "I learned about your link fusion and have created an even better version this is project olympus I call it olympus drive" Fu says as I get ready only to see him return to earth and I follow before I noticed Frieza (golden), Android 21, Towa and Mira leave their battles and stand next to Fu. "What the hell are these bastards doing now" Vegeta said as everyone joins up and look at Fu's team who are all smirking.

"Thanks to you E-100 I now have enough power to active my olympus drive which will unlock the dark fusion" Fu tells us before pressing the device on his chest as it glows and soon the other glow as well before merging into one with Fu as the base and soon reveals a more buff Fu with long white hair. "Look at this my olympus drive has gave me such power lets see since I think I'll call myself Fu god of darkness" Fu floats surrounded in a black aura before Vegeta tries to attack him only for his punch to do nothing not even a scratch and then gets kicked into Goku with very little ease.

"Damn it his power is insane I couldn't even leave a scratch and his physical strength is unbelievable" Vegeta says as he recovers from the force of Fu's attack. "In that case lets show him our fusion might" I say as Cabba and Broly join them before we turn our link braclets on with me as the base before we all fuse into one with a white aura surrounding us. "So this is all of you fused as one but it's pointless" Fu said as we just look at our hands to feel our combined power.

"Lets see this fusion needs a name we know in the name of all saiyans our name is Sadalus" Sadalus says as Fu smirks before rushing at us but we dodge with ease and then counter with a chop to the neck smashing Fu into the ground. "Oh sorry was that too hard maybe we should of only used 5% power ah man and we were looking forward to a good fight" Sadalus said as Fu stands up from the ground. "YOU DARE INSULT ME I HAVE THE POWER OF A GOD" Fu screams as his power increased and he soon comes blasting at us with ki but we keep avoiding his attack that was also the case for our attacks as well as Fu dodged our attacks as well.

"Lets take this battle up a grade" Sadalus says as we begins to build up our ki while Fu rushed at us only for him to get pushed away as we turn into a super saiyan but this transformation was different as our hair was blue and purple but our aura was now green with a yellow outline which surprised us and Fu. "Impossible their forms combined to create yet another super saiyan form" Fu says as we smile and look at him filled with confidence. "Hey Fu since this is a whole new super saiyan form how about we call it super saiyan rainbow" Sadalus said as we prepare for the real fight as Fu was now getting serious about the fight and that mad us smile.

How will this battle end? What can the fusion known as Sadalus do? find out next time in the final chapter of Dragon Ball Lost Saiyan.

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