A deadly reaction

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Me, Cabba, Kale and Caulifla have been laying low for a couple days with no sign of Fu, Mira or Towa right now me and Cabba are training.

Cabba comes at me with a punch but I catch it and flip him on to the ground before holding my fist in front of his face. "Your to straight forward Cabba you need to be able to attack without thinking let your body move on it's own" I told him as I help him up to his feet but soon side step a sneak attack from Caulifla which sends her crashing into Cabba.

"Like I said don't think just act" I tell them as I walk over to the cave where Kale was preparing lunch thankfully there was some wild boars on the island. "I never would of thought of you as a cook Kale" I said to her as the smell of the meat cooking before she turned round and gave me a slice of meat to taste which tasted super good.

"This is impressive but let me help make it even more tasty lets see this and some of these oh that will go well with it too" I say as Kale watched me preparing the ingredients I grabbed. After a couple minutes I turn round and place a slice of meat in front of her with a topping before Kale takes a bite and is surprised by the flavour.

"This is incredible but why" Kale asked as she held her hand to her mouth in pure shock at the intense flavour. "It's a chutney I made it with pear, apple and mango" I tell her as she takes another bite and smiles at the pure richness of the meat while the chutney enhanced the flavour.

"You see a pear was used to enhance the apple and mango as the apple allows to balance out the mango in sweetness creating a chutney that is both sweet and fresh" I tell Kale as she hands me the plate with a little meat and chutney left. "You are an even better cook than me" Kale compliments me before I sit in front of her.

"Not really to be honest it was my first time making it" I tell her as she giggles as Caulifla and Cabba walk in and taste the food and soon have the same reaction as Kale did. After we all ate Cabba, Caulifla and Kale all fell asleep while I was washing up.

*It's strange but being around these 3 makes me feel happy but I could never stay with them* I thought before feeling a sharp stinging pain come from my arms as I remove my arm from the water I see small cuts on my arms which I dry off and bandage up. "Must of got caught on some rock nothing major" I tell myself before getting some sleep ready for tomorrows training with Cabba and Caulifla as well as teaching Kale to control her berserk state better.

The next day

We have all woke up and as always Caulifla wants to skip straight to training which was a pain in the ass but also made her incredible at the same time. "Ok Caulifla remember to let your body move not think only react" I tell her as I rush at her and deliver a punch to the face sending her into a rock before she rushed at me throw punch after punch but I catch her attacks and knee her in the gut causing her to kneel on the ground.

"Your thinking of your attack you need to let your body have control not your brain" I tell her before dodging a sneak attack from Cabba which of course I avoided and then followed with a kick to the back sending him face first into the ground. Cabba and Caulifla get up looking at me before I watch them close their eyes which made me smile as they might actually of managed to understand.

*I see they shut their eyes so now they can't see me and will need to rely on their responses* I thought as I rush at them but this time they dodged me and slammed me into the ground before I jump up into the air and prepare an attack. "DARK KAMEHAMEHA" I shout shooting straight at them but the avoid it without looking only reacting as the appear behind me and toss me into the ground.

"Ok enough for today very good you both are 1 step closer to understanding ultra instinct or at least what I know of it now then Kale it's your turn" I say as Cabba and Caulifla walk over to sit down as Kale walks over to me. "Now Kale from what Cabba and Caulifla told me it sounds like your issue is ki control in other words you have so much ki that it's difficult control it all but hopefully I can change that" I tell her as we get ready to begin Kale's training.

"Ok we are both going to charge our ki at the same time by doing this I should be able to sense when your about to lose control ok" I says as Kale nods before we both begin to charge our ki going higher and higher causing the ground to shake and debris to float before you feel a sharp pain come from your chest which Kale, Cabba and Caulifla noticed as fall to the ground gripping at your heart. "[Fn]" Kale said as she stops and runs over to me as Cabba and Caulifla carry me into the cave as I breath heavy which worried them.

To Goku and Vegeta

Goku finally managed to recover from his intense beating that you had given him before Vegeta spoke. "Kakarot tell me can you take me somewhere" Vegeta asked as Goku nods a little confused as he used instant transmission to take Vegeta to the location of his choosing.

Where did Vegeta ask Goku to take him, what is happening to you find out in the next chapter of Dragon Ball Lost Saiyan.

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