Dark Fusion: Lost saiyan (Final)

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The final moments of the war between Fu (god of darkness) and our fusion called Sadalus with only one left stand.

Sadalus looks at Fu as they both just ready to attack as a single leaf hits the ground the chaos between them begins as shockwave after shockwave could be flet all around the planet.

Capsule Corp

"Hey what's with this shaking" Lemo said as he, Bulma and Cheelai struggle to keep on their feet as the whole ground shakes little did they know it was the overwhelming force of ours and Fu's punches. "It's got to be Broly and the others" Cheelai says as Bulma and Lemo look at her and smile as the shaking continued.

Kami's Lookout

"What the hell is generating this much power" Dende says as he and Mr Popo fall over from the shockwave while Piccolo just stands there looking out at the battle between us and Fu. "Goku and the other saiyans have fused and are now fighting this Fu character at full power" Piccolo tells them as Kami's Lookout begin to crack from the shockwaves.

At Goku's house

"What is happening" Chi-Chi says as Gohan holds Videl and Pan. "I don't know but dad's power just disappeared before all this shaking" Gohan said as Chi-Chi fell on to the sofa as Goten keeps trying to stay on his feet.

Hercule house

"Ah why is everything shaking somebody make it stop" Hercule said as all the stuff in his personal gym fell over with an unfazed Buu. "Mr Satan house go messy mess" Buu says as he keeps picking things up before they fall over again.

Back to our fight

Fu and we break away and send ki blast before dodging and then proceed to repeat as the area around us is filled with explosions. "Come on Fu is that all you have what a let down" Sadalus said cause Fu to become enraged as he surrounds the space around us with ki balls and the caused them to explode but we slip free. "DON'T EVER INSULT ME I AM A PERFECT FUSION YOUR NOTHING" Fu shouts as we smile and then teleport behind him to elbow him in the neck sending him crashing into a nearby rock.

"KAMEHAMEHA" Sadalus shout as our attack goes crashing into Fu sending him into a deep hole made by our attack. "Well looks like he talk the talk but not walk the walk" Sadalus says before shoots up from the hole with a couple scratches. "I will not be defeated by you" Fu says before grabbing us and soon our energy begins to fade as Fu absorbs it from our body.

"This is my power drain technique and if recall your fusion time is based on the amount of energy you have" Fu says before we get weaker and weaker until he throws us into the ground and we all unfuse. "Look at you all weak and layed out at my feet as it should always of been" Fu says before getting a ki blast to the face as I struggle to stand. "Even in defeat you will not surrender E-100" Fu said to me as he walks over and knees me in the stomach causing me to fall to the groud but just like before I continue to get back up.

"If your not going to back down I will just break you" Fu says as Kale begins to float towards him as points a finger at her heart and smiles before blasting her through the heart and letting her dead body fall to the ground. "Now back down huh" Fu said as he sees my hair glow purple before I looked at him with tears in my eyes and let the last of my power burst as I jump straight to super saiyan dark 2 before rushing Fu with a barrage of punches which oerwhelm him before kick him into the sky. "DARK FLASH" I shout using a dark version of Vegeta's final flash which hits Fu as he fall but I continue the attack.

"DARK KAMEHAMEHA" I shout but this time I use the dark version of Goku's kamehameha and this send Fu crashing to the ground. As I float down towards Fu I look at him with a look of defeat on his face and walk over to Kale as I return to base form only to soon hear Fu speak. "I may of lost the battle but you've lost the war because I'm going to blow this whole planet to hell" Fu said as his energy builds and builds as the others try to stand up with the very last of their strength as Fu just laughs.

"None of us have enough power to stop him" Cabba says as I look at Kale before looking at Fu and smiling. *So this is my reward after all these years but I'm glad I met you Kale goodbye* I thought as I stand up and walk towards Fu and turn super saiyan dark. "Goku, Vegeta, Cabba, Broly and Caulifla listen well find the dragon balls and wish Kale back and tell her I had fun being in love but it's time for the fun to end it's been an honour to fight along side you my friends" I say before grabbing Fu and shooting us up towards space as everyone watched on and soon a bright explosion happens as the battle ends with the saiyans victory but at a cost.

10 years later

Kale was ressurected with the dragon balls and was told everything before she, Cabba and Caulifla return to universe 6 while all the other saiyans return to their places Broly, Cheelai and Lemo head back to Vampa. After Kale, Cabba and Caulifla returned to Sadala of universe 6 Kale just locked herself away to cry in peace with tears following her into her dreams but after 10 long years something was about to break her from the silence and walk her back to the light.

Kale lay on her bed before hearing a knock at the door as she opens the door expecting it to be Caulifla or Cabba she found only a man with cowboy hat and a long brown coat. "Can I help you"Kale says half asleep as the man smiled before looking behind him to see Caulifla and Cabba walking that way. "I have to say you really have grown beautiful Kale" he said as the light begins to shine on his face as he turns to face her and to Kale's surprise it was 1 person.

"[Fn]" Kale says holding back her tears before I smile and she kissed me with tears in her eyes as Caulifla and Cabba soon saw which I had to explain. After Fu self-destructed I was baddly injured but Whis and Beerus saved me and let me recover before training to control my god of destruction ki which took me 10 years but I was finally free and look only to the future.

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