Deadly match the fall of Goku

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In the last chapter Frieza, Cheelai, Lemo and Broly were making their way to earth after running into an unknown enemy little did they know this was all a plan set in motion.

To Goku and Vegeta

Vegeta and Goku were just about to reach the location of a large power level as a spaceship crashed on a small island soon followed by a slightly smaller one both of the Frieza force. "Kakarot those ships belong to Frieza don't they" Vegeta asked as Goku nods before they land next to them only to see that Frieza's main ship was badly damaged as Cheelai, Lemo and Broly exit their ship as Frieza did the same.

"What you doing here Frieza trying to attack the earth again" Goku asked as he prepares to attack before Frieza speaks. "As much as I would love to tear out your filthy monkey tongue saiyan I'm actually here to warn you another saiyan attacked the Frieza force and left me as the only survivor" Frieza says as Cheelai and Lemo look at each other before stepping forward with Broly.

"In must of been the same guy that attacked us on Vampa but he was crazy strong he didn't even transform and yet he was able to overpower Broly" Cheelai says which caught Frieza's attention. "Hold on he managed to overpower Broly then he might just be even stronger than Lord Beerus" Frieza says as Vegeta and Goku get looks of shock on their faces.

"Impossible the only person stronger than Beerus the destroyer is Whis, Zeno and the Grand Priest so what your saying is that he has managed to surpass a god like Kakarot did" Vegeta asked trying to keep calm even with all the shocking information he just heard. "It's not we watched he fight Broly like he was nothing" Lemo says as the air around them went silent before a voice spoke out.

"I never thought I would have the last 3 saiyans all on a single planet" I say as the group look up and see me floating in the sky. *Impossible how long was he there I never even sensed his energy* Vegeta thought as I look straight at him.

"So prince Vegeta you survived Planet Vegeta's destruction good because that means I get to kill you myself" I say to him before rushing at him only for Goku to block my attack. "I don't know what your deal is with Vegeta but I want to fight you" Goku said with a smile on his face as I look into his eyes and smile.

"Ok but you get 10 minutes Son Goku or should I call you Kakarot" I say to Goku before pushing him away with the shockwave from our punches connecting. Me and Goku vanish and begin to battle faster than the eye could see only reappearing for a split second when our fists or kicks connect which left everyone speechless.

"What do you say we take this up a notch" Goku says before turning super saiyan which gave him an increased speed and power but I was able to hold my own with little effort. I kick Goku in the back before rushing him with a barrage of punches ending with a toss to the ground sending him crashing into the ground.

"This guy is a monster it's only been a minute and Kakarot is already down and as a super saiyan no less" Vegeta says as they watch me float down to the rubble which lay on top of Goku before smiling. "Son Goku you fought well this day but rest and pass on to the other side" I said before turning towards the others ready to attack only for the rubble to burst away as Goku emerged in his super saiyan 2 form.

"We ain't done yet since I know your stronger than super saiyan let go all out" Goku tells me as I watch him turn into his super saiyan blue form before turning back towards him. *Kakarot you never stop climbing for greater and greater heights but what I've seen is a level you could never reach* I thought as Goku rushed at me but I block his punch before getting kicked in the back and sent flying into a nearby mountain.

"KA...ME...HA...ME" Goku shouts as he charged up an attack as his power level continued to increase. "HA" Goku shouts as a beam of energy is blasted towards me from his hands.

"YOUR TECHNIQUE IS MOST IMPRESSIVE BUT SO IS MINE" I shout as I catch the attack and then condense it into a small orb just like how Goku had it before. "KAKAROT GET OUT OF THERE" Vegeta shouts as they all watch the blue energy turn purple with black lightning surround it.

"LET SEE THIS WAS YOUR ATTACK SO LETS CALL IT DARK KAMEHAME HA" I shout as a purple beam shoots at Goku knocking him out as he falls to the ground only to get caught by Vegeta. "I will be back in 3 months until then rest up and become stronger" I say before flying away leaving everyone speechless once again.

To me

I land miles away from any cities while taking in nature as some of the wild creatures watch me. "That attack was impressive and draining it's going to take me at least 3 months to regain my full strength" I tell myself as a little rabbit hops over and sits next to me.

*Kakarot, Broly and Vegeta need to get stronger if they are to stop them* I thought as I looked at the sky surrounded by peaceful nature as a great evil draws ever closer.

Who is them? what is your goal? When will they appear? what battle awaits our heroes and the mystery saiyan find out in the next chapter of Dragon Ball Lost Saiyan.

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