The fusion warrior Vegito arrives

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I the last chapter we see you come down with a sudden illness which has caused Cabba, Caulifla and Kale to look after you.

Kale was sat next to you watching as you looked even worse but does her best to keep your temperature down with a wet cloth but it doesn't help much as Cabba and Caulifla return with some water. "How is he Kale" Cabba asked as she shakes her head before looking at Cabba showing signs that she had been crying.

"Not good I have done everything I can but it's not helping his temperature just keeps going up" Kale said as Caulifla set down the water and sits next to Kale. "He will be fine after all he still has to teach us more about ultra instinct" Caulifla says which made Kale smile at Caulifla's attempt to cheer her up.

"Geez even when I'm sick you only think about training" I say in a weak voice as Kale hugs me making me confused as I try to sit up. "You should rest until you feel better" Cabba said to me as I stand up and use the cave wall as support until I reach outside.

"Listen to me you 3 what ever happens next stay out of it" I tell them before we all see Goku and vegeta appear as I step forward. "Your both early it's only been 2 months no matter since your here let us fight and see if you got any stronger Kakarot, Vegeta" I say as they both prepare to attack which surprised me since Vegeta was know to be unwilling to team up with anyone before I see him throw an earing to Goku as I'm blinded by a flash of light and soon the 2 of them were gone with a new person standing there.

"So your going to fuse straight away interesting" I say as the new fight rushed at me with unbelievable speed. "The name is Vegito and this" Vegito said as he kicks me away and transforms and now has bright blue hair.

"Is Vegito (Blue)" Vegito said as he was now a super saiyan god super saiyan or as they called it super saiyan blue. "Impressive but I have got even stronge since my battle with Kakarot" I say as transform too but my hair is purple shocking Vegito.

"Like it I'm now a super saiyan but it all so feels like your super saiyan blue lets see my colour must be because of the god of destruction ki so lets call it super saiyan dark" I say as Vegito rushed at me with a kick but I block it with easy before throwing him into the ground. "Your still out matched even with fusion" I say to Vegito as he shoots a ki blast at me but I dodge it before he caused it to explode blinding me as he rushed at me with a punch leading into a kick knocking me back.

As I regain my vision Kale, Cabba and Caulifla watched from the cave as I fight not only a super saiyan blue but a fused super saiyan blue. "He needs to stop before his condition gets worse" Cabba said as Kale could see me sweating and struggling as the sign of intense pain showed on my face as I charge up my dark kamehameha.

"THIS IS THE END DARK KAMEHAME" I shout as Vegito charged up his attack as well. "FINAL KAMEHAMEHA" Vegito shouted as we were both about to attack before my ki fades and I fall as Vegito sends his attack.

As I fell Kale ran towards me in order to protect me from the blast but I shield her from the blast instead before Vegito's fusion timed out. "Damn it we barely beat him even with fusion but I can finish this here" Vegeta said as he was about to attack me as Caulifla and Cabba stand in his way which surprised Goku and Vegeta.

"Cabba what are the both of you doing here with him" Vegeta asked as I fall to the ground as Kale revealed and quickly turns her attention to me. "Hey he doesn't look good Vegeta" Goku said as Vegeta looked at me sweating and struggling to breath.

"Ok answers now" Vegeta demands as Cabba looks at him before speaking. "He has been teaching us but he became very sick all of a sudden" Cabba tells him as Goku walked over to me and kneels next to Kale as I look at him.

"Why did you fight us if your sick" Goku asked as I roll on to my back to face the sky. "Pride we saiyan's are full of pride and I couldn't dishonour another saiyan" I tell him as he holds out a small green bean.

"Eat this it's called a senzu bean and you should be better soon" Goku said as I chew the bean and swallow but instead of healing me it just made my condition worse. "Ok that never happened before Vegeta do you think Bulma might be able to help" Goku asked as he shot to his feet.

"Not sure but it's worth a try pick him Kakarot and you universe 6 saiyan best come too" Vegeta said as they all fly off for Bulma's place little did they know someone was watching them.

To secret location

"Mira have my drone head any new data for me" Fu asked as Mira steps forward and puts video of you on the screen. "It seems E-100 is having a bad reaction to but why now" Mira said as Fu looks at you battle footage with Vegito and your transformation.

"Most likely his body is finally failing which I'm surprised lasted this long but he is still important part of your evolution so you will go and take it" Fu said as Mira leaves as Towa watched the same footage. "So we are moving the plan up" Towa said as Fu gave a wicked smirk.

What is Mira about to do? What is Fu's plan? How will the story continue if you wish to know the answer than read on and enjoy the next chapter of Dragon Ball Lost Saiyan.

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