A dark evolution

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In the last chapter Goku, Vegeta, Cabba, Caulifla and Kale were taking you to Bulma for examination on your condition.

After arriving at Capsule Corp Goku runs you over to Bulma's lab after hooking you up to her equipment for the examination as you continue to get even worse while the others waited outside but Kale was the only one unable to not stop worrying before Caulifla placed a hand on her shoulder. "He'll be fine Kale" Caulifla tells her as time ticks by seconds turn to minutes and soon minutes turn to hours with nothing but a ticking clock to break the silence.

4 hours after Bulma began her examination she walks out to allow everyone inside with Kale being the first in the room but what they see is you laying on the table sweating with purple veins all over your body. "Bulma what is happening" Vegeta asked his wife as she activated a hologram of her findings in order to explain.

"To be honest I'm not sure see I examined Vegeta and Goku's dna to his and I can't even begin to understand this at the moment it doesn't seem life threatening" Bulma tells them as Kale holds your hand. "So your saying we just wait and see what happens why don't we just use the dragon balls" Caulifla asked as Bulma sighs before turning to face her.

"Because we have no idea if Shenron even has the power to do that and also Goku gave him a senzu bean which usaully heals the injuried but instead it made him worse right now there is just too much risk on his life" Bulma told her before something burst through the wall knocking everyone back until Kale saw who it was. *Mira* Kale thought as Mira grabs you by the throat making it even harder to breath before tossing you outside through the hole he made as Kale followed him.

As you land on the ground Mira walked over and again grabs you by the throat before lifting you up by one arm. "Now to achieve a power beyond even the gods themselves" Mira said as he began to steal your power which Kale saw was hurting you before balsting Mira in the back with a ki blast as he drops you to the ground.

"Leave him alone Mira" Kale said as Mira looked at her as if she was nothing more than an annoyance. "Your 1 of the little saiyans from universe 6 I believe your name was Kale I think I can spare a few minutes destroying you" Mira said as he prepares to attack meanwhile the rest of the group manage to get out of the rubble before rushing outside to find Kale in a one sided fight against Mira.

"Kale needs help" Cabba says before the sound of a heart beat stops them all in their tracks as they look over at your body to see dark energy coming out of it before Kale is sent crashing in front of them. "I am far beyond all of you and am only going to get stronger" Mira says as he sends a ki blast straight at them and it explodes but as the smoke clears only shock was seen on everyones faces you were standing in front of them in your super saiyan dark form but different your arms were completely black, your fingers looked like claws and your eyes glow a bright red.

*He's changed so why do I feel so much fear towards him* Mira thought as I look up at him and soon quickly disappear before reappearing back to back with Mira. "Let this be a warning mess with my friends and you will regret it" I tell Mira as he runs away with only fear on his face as I float over to the others.

"Kale are you ok" I asked as Kale nods and we all walk back into what remained of Bulma's lab to discuss my sudden change. "Ok first off what the hell happened to you 1 minute you look like your knocking on deaths door and next your fine" Vegeta asked as I sat down next to Kale.

"I'm not sure but if I had to guess it's most likely because of the demon blood Fu put in my blood he wanted to make a saiyan hybrid with unmatched strength, speed and ki but I can't understand why I have suddenly changed" I told him as Bulma has an idea. "It could be because of you super saiyan transformation it must of combined with the demon cells in your body and kick started the transformation" Bulma said as I nod in agreement.

"Now that I have become this demon saiyan my mind has became smarter while my body became stronger and faster" I say as Kale holds my hand which made me smile before looking at the rest of the group. "Right now we are no match for Fu, Mira or Towa but I have a couple of ideas and even improvements such as the your fusions" I tell them as Goku and Caulifla nearly shot out of their seats at my word.

"Improve fusion really how" Caulifla asked as I make her let go of my shoulders. "Mostly making the fusion last longer" I say as everyone went wide eyed at the thought as I see Vegeta smile.

"Well then you best get to work and I'm sure Bulma will want to help out" Vegeta said as he knew Bulma would love making some invention.

To Fu's hidden base

Mira arrives after running away before stepping into Fu's lab where he knew Fu would of been watching. "You failed Mira most disappointing but couldn't be helped after all he has evolved which is most interesting don't you agree partner" Fu said as someone steps out of the shadows.

"I have to admit when you found me and showed me your research I thought you crazy but I now see it was brilliant plus I owe you for dealing with my problem Fu" The voice of a female spoke as a cold chill ran down Mira's spine.

Who is this new female in Fu's group, how does she fit in Fu's plan, what is their final goal and will this mark trouble for our heroes find out in the next chapter of Dragon Ball Lost Saiyan.

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