(Bonus) Character Talk

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DemonReader2099: Hey everyone just want to say thanks for reading and hope you enjoyed it I have a couple of the cast here to talk to you and say their thanks too so take it away guys.

Goku: Hey everyone Goku here just wanted to say thanks for all your support to this story I only have 1 issue and that is Vegeta is always so grump.

Vegeta: Shut up Kakarot unlike you I am prideful but I will admit it was nice to see all of the support we go in this story.

Bulma: Ah Vegeta I have to agree the fans and followers have been the best in the whole universe thanks guys.

Broly: Broly is grateful for support can I have chocolate Cheelai.

Cheelai: Yes Broly I just wanted to say thank as well and before anyone asks yes I love Broly he is just so sweet hearted and a real beast in.....

Caulifla: Wow Cheelai come on keep it PG plus TMI any way thanks I guess I'm just glad Kale finally got a guy.

Kale: Sis stop it besides we are here to thank the fans for their support of Dragon Ball Lost Saiayan.

Cabba: Kale's right and I hope they will continue to support us and DemonReader2099 who created the story.

Bulma: That was lovely Cabba.

Caulifla: Yeah but a little too much I mean just say thanks.

DemonReader2099: Caulifla be nice or I will spill the secret about your little hobby.

Kale: Sis has a secret hobby what is it.


DemonReader2099: Caulifla actually writes her own FanFiction and it's really steamy lets if I remember she wrote about Cabba who she loves with all her heart on and did I mention they get busy under the sheet in everyone.

Goku, Vegeta, Kale, Bulma, Cheelai, Broly and Cabba: [Blushing]

DemonReader: well everyone that's all from me and the cast so remember 1 person can make a difference so never stop pushing for greater and greater heights.

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