Love of the devil

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In the last chapter we saw Freiza join Fu's team and in exchange for collecting the dragon balls for him Fu promised the end of the saiyans.

After finally creating the link fusion technol I walked back to the lab in order to create some more so focused on Fu that I never noticed things around me mainly about Kale. *Should I tell him no Bulma's wrong why would he like me* Kale thought as she walks away from the door which I noticed as the sad look caught my attention. *Strange why did Kale look so sad* I thought before getting back to work little did I know someone was watching.

After a couple of hours Bulma walks in to check on my work but she also had another reason which I would soon find out. "[Fn] how do feel about Kale" Bulma asked as I lean back on my chair while keeping my eyes on my work. "She is great, kind and beautiful why" I asked in return as she sat on the desk while looking at me.

"She has feelings for you" Bulma tells me as I pause for a second to look her in the eyes before getting back to work. "Really well tell her to stop feeling that way" I say in a cold tone with no feeling as Bulma just feels anger. "You think she has a choice she loves you because she wants to so why would you reject something like that" Bulma said as I slam my hands on the desk and stand up before walking away as to not cause her any harm.

"BULMA LOOK AT ME I'M A FREAK NOT SAIYAN, NOT DEMON SO HOW CAN SHE LOVE ME" I shout as Bulma watched me break down almost going insane and it hurt her to see me like this. "WHY SHOULD I BE HAPPY I MEAN I LOST MY WHOLE RACE, MY PLANET, MY HOME, MY FAMILY HELL I'VE EVEN LOST MYSELF BUT I STILL STAND AIN'T THAT FUNNY" I shout as Bulma watched me finally snap and laugh like the Joker she tries to calm you down only to get pushed away and suddenly I stop laughing and run out the room holding my head.

"No love impossible, no love for me, must not love, don't feel ah my head" I say as I make it outside onnly to soon fall to the ground holding my head in pain as everyone else catched up with me. "Bulma what happened" Vegeta asked as she looks at Kale unsure if she should reveal what she told me. "I told him about Kale's feelings towards him and he suddenly changed until he became like this" Bulma said as everyone looks at Kale who was shocked.

"AH" I scream as I begin to sprout horns before Cabba tries to check on me only to get swatted away like a fly with my eyes glowing red and my hair in super saiyan dark form. "Bastard" Caulifla says as she turns super saiyan and rushed at me but gets caught and slammed face first into the ground and then kicked in the back causing her to scream. "LETS GO KAKAROT" Vegeta shout as he and Goku turn super saiyan as well and rush me but I toss Caulifla into Vegeta and grab Goku by his face and begin to slowly crush his head as he screams in pain but Broly quickly tackles me causing me to drop Goku.

"Kale you need to stop him" Bulma says but Kale barely hears her before Bulma stands in front of her to gain her attention. "Kale listen he is like this because he feel like he doesn't deserve love because of all the experiments Fu did on him but I know that your the only one he will listen too" Bulma told her and this time Kale looked at her and then me as I suplex Broly as Vegeta attacks me from behind but I quickly counter and then punch at him over and over. "STOP [FN]" I hear as I look and see Kale slowly waking towards me and my beating of Vegeta stops before walking towards her as well while Caulifla wakes up and sees and was about to attack before getting stopped by Bulma.

"Let me through Kale needs help" Caulifla said as Bulma shakes her head. "She will be fine watch" Bulma says as they watch us stop an inch apart. "[Fn] I know your confused so am I but you need to know your not a monster or a devil your my friend and the person I love it's ok if you don't love me the same way but I won't stop loving you I only wish I could take your pain away so please come back to me" Kale says as with tears in her eyes as Caulifla and Bulma watch my arm raise.

Caulifla thought I was going to attack Kale but what she saw was me take her in a hug. "I do love you Kale but I thought you might see me as a monster and I only have one 1 wish as well to never let you feel my pain because I wouldn't want that for you my Kale" I say as she watched my horns disappear as I kiss Kale right there and then as everyone saw this and was relieved at the out come.

To Fu

Fu sat at his desk watching the scene of you all and smiled at the footage as the mystery woman walks over to him. "So that is E-100 got to say impressive" she said as Fu looks at her and smiled at his greatest work before Frieza walks in. "Ok Fu here all 7 dragon balls as agreed" Frieza says as Fu and the woman look at Frieza and smile.

"Good so now we can begin project olympus" Fu said as he stands up from his chair and looks at the dragon balls. "At last we have all we need the dragon balls oh by the way is the clones ready" Fu asked as the mystery woman shows them an area full of Goku, Vegeta, Piccolo, Tien, Krillin, Frieza, Perfect Cell and Kid Buu clones. "Good work but I should of expected as much from you Android 21" Fu said as Android 21 smiled.

OH MY GOD the mystery woman was Android 21 but why is she helping Fu? What is Fu going to do with the dragon balls? find out in the next chapter of Dragon Ball Lost Saiyan.

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