Chapter 1

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As she makes her way down the hall after a hot shower, the smell of her Jasmine soap lingers to her nose, as the sweet scent intoxicates her, she feels at peace, and continues to her room for her nightly routine. As she enters her room, and turns on the light, she unwraps her towel and starts slipping into her pajamas. She brushes out her hair and adds oils, so she would be able to smooth out her curly, long hair the next day, after, she puts lavender lotion on her hands and face, the mix of the smells from the lotion, oils, and soaps from her shower create a soft, cinnamon like smell. She climbs up into bed and checks her phone one final time before the night takes her over, she sees it's 9:50pm, "it's not that late", she thinks, "But, I have a full day tomorrow, I'll need every second of sleep I get". She turns over and slowly drifts to sleep, with the peaceful, familiar sound of the fan overhead.

She awakes to a knock at her door, "Miss Maccanon, your breakfast is ready in the dining room." "Thank you, Mister Doe, I'll be down in a few minutes'', she replies, as she stretches and rolls out of bed. She checks the time, seven fifteen am, she has thirty minutes to prepare herself for the day ahead and eat her morning meal. She starts getting dressed, pulling up a blue, vertical striped, knee length skirt that hugged her muscular, yet lean legs. Quickly after she pulled a tight, white V neck shirt over her head, the bottom of the shirt just reaching the top of her skirt. She tossed on a light black leather coat and slipped her feet into short black high heel boots, she grabbed her phone and promptly walked down the hall to the stairs. As she started heading down the stairs, She could smell fresh baked banana bread, chopped fruits, and her favorite, bacon. She walked into the dining room, and to her surprise her sister and father were wide awake and had started eating. "Wow! You guys are up early, what's the occasion?" She says out to her family. "I smelled the food and didn't want to miss the opportunity to have such a delicious meal." Her sister remarked. "We have meals prepared like this most mornings." She chuckled back. "Now, Now, We want to have breakfast with you before your big day at your new job!" Said her father, "Yeah I guess that to" her sister said jokingly. She sat down with her family and started munching on the appetizing food. "So, Malory, do you have anything planned today?" She said to her sister. "Yes, No , I don't know, since it's only the first day of summer break, I think I might take a short bike ride, then probably take a nap." "Haha, sounds like a nice first day off, if you ask me!" She replies to her sister, Malory. "So, Ellie, what are you most excited about, for your first day of work?" Asked her father. "I'm not sure, probably to meet my team!" , "Well, I'm glad, I'm sure you'll have a great day and like most of your workers ", "Thanks Dad!". She finishes up her breakfast and starts to head for the door before leaving she hears Malory and her dad call, "We love you!! Have fun!!". Ellie chuckles and yells back "Thank you, Love you too! Have a good day"

Ellie heads toward the garage, once inside she sees her prize possession, a 1994 corvette, 5.7 L V8, six speed manual. She hops in the cherry red ride, unrolls the dark tinted windows and puts down the top, it's a perfect day for the top down, she thinks. She pulls down the driveway with the engine roaring loudly, in anticipation for Ellie to hit the throttle, and take off down the open road this morning, just like every drive, she turns out of the long driveway and punches it, the quick acceleration of the fast sport car gives Ellie a jolt of adrenaline, through her body. Egging her car to go faster in anticipation of her new job, she speeds down the road doing an eighty in a sixty. She's thought, there are never any police on this road, and it's an empty road anyways.

As she pulls through the driveway entrance of her new job she is taken back by the size of the beautiful building before her. The beautiful black, and aqua blue building had to have at least fifty floors, the building had many windows, which only made it more beautiful with the early morning sunlight shining through. She had been expected to get there at eight fifteen am, she was told she would be greeted by a woman named Alice, who would give her a tour and show her to her office. The only problem was that it was only seven fifty-eight am. At least I got a close parking spot, she laughed as she made her way to the front parking spaces. As she stepped out of her car she noticed there was one other car there, it was a stunning blue Lexus lc 500, one of Ellie's favorite kind of cars. She thought with a giggle, I still think my car is the best looking one in the game. She leisurely strolled up to the massive building with confidence and grace, she gave the doors a good tug, but unfortunately they were still locked up. She turned back towards her car and started to it, she suddenly heard someone, "Hey, Miss! Is there something I can do for you?" She turned back toward the entrance and saw the most dazzling man she has ever laid eyes on. "Oh! Hi, I'm Ellie, Today will be my first day working here and it appears I may have gotten here too early." , "Ah, makes sense, a word of advice, nobody ever gets here early, they barely get here on time." The man said with a chuckle back to Ellie. "Well you know what they say, early birds get the worm, and it seems as if you agree, since you are here too", "Yeah, you have me there.... How about you come in and I'll show you around and help you get settled in'' He says to Ellie. Ellie didn't want to be rude and say no , and she definitely did not want to miss the opportunity of getting to know this stunning man before her. "I would love to, but I would feel bad, a lady named Alice is supposed to show me around this morning, shouldn't I just wait for her?", "OH! Alice? She is alway late. You wouldn't want to have to wait for her, I promise you she will be racing through the doors at eight forty am, she is a funny one, that's for sure. And she won't mind. Come on, follow me." He gestures for Ellie to follow, and she gracefully walks in the building after him.

As they make their way to the elevator, he says "So what's your full name? What are you going to be working here for?" , "It's Ellie Ama Maccanon, and I will be working as head of market designing!" She explained to the man. "Ahh! That makes sense. We will be heading to the forty-ninth floor then!" Her guess wasn't far off, there were fifty-one floors in the facility. As the elevator slowly started to ascend, she finally had a moment to take a full look at the angelic man before her. As she took him all in she started noticing his fine details, he was about six-ft, he was muscular yet lean, his face was perfectly defined, his hair was not short nor long, but he had it in a way flipped to one side of his perfectly structured head, it was a perfect color brown, as if he lived on the beach and the sun bleached it, which made it have perfect highlights. The one thing that attracted Ellie the most though, was his eyes. They were the perfect mix between green and blue, as she looked at them she felt as if she was looking directly at the ocean. Still in awe of the man, it finally occurred she hadn't asked his name yet. "I am so sorry, but I forgot to ask your name, how rude of me." , "Don't beat yourself up, I was wondering when you would stop checking me out and ask though.." He replies with a laugh and devilish grin. "Me!? No ,I—-" , "Haha I'm just messing with you. My name is Don Posei, pleased to meet you!" He stuck out his hand for a formal hand shake, she shook his firm large hand and cracked a smile as her cheeks blushed a fierce reddish pink. Then, it hit her, this wasn't just some guy, this was the Don Posei. The founder and creator of Save the Sea's and Get the Ocean in Order, and above all else.... her new boss.

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