Chapter 2

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The elevator door glides open, and Ellie and Don step out onto the forty-ninth floor. As they were walking Ellie felt a wave of jitters come on. How could I be so blind, to not realize who this man was? She thought to herself as they made their way around the floor. "Now over here is the break room, it has a coffee maker that can make tea, and any kind of coffee you like! This right here is an isolation pod, it's if you just need a break or breather, I always say a clear mind is the best working mind. OH, and the best part about the break room is the cereal bar, every morning we get new ones in or it gets refilled!". Ellie was now feeling back to her normal self, thinking "See he is just a normal, down to earth guy!". He continued his tour showing her where her team would be working, as they were just about finished, the last stop was Ellie's office. Don started directing her to an office in the back right corner of the huge floor. As they approached the office door, he grabbed open the door for her to walk in. As she walked through the door, she abruptly halted in her tracks, stunned she took in this beautiful office, not only was it huge, but is was perfectly designed, the office had a desk coming off the wall, the desk was black wood with silver handles, it had a clear piece of glass laying over top, her chair matched the desk perfectly, the best part about the office was all the windows she barely had to turn to see outside the massive skyscraper. After taking in all the views she turned back around to Don, still feeling shocked about her new office, she asked him, "This, This is all mine?" , "Well you did apply and get the position of head of market designing, correct?" , "Yes, but this, this is amazing!" She replied with a huge smile. "I'm glad you like it. Anyways if you have any other questions or need anything please don't be afraid to ask me or Alice, you'll meet her soon, I'm sure. Well, it's eight fifteen, people will be entering any minute, I'm going to be heading up to my office now, it's on the fifty-first floor in the back left, like I said, don't hesitate if you need anything." He said to Ellie with a smile, he turned around and started walking off to the elevator. Before he stepped in Ellie called to him, "Thanks again for the tour, it was a big help!" , "Of course, have a nice day Ellie.". Now that he was gone Ellie started to unpack some things into her new office. After she was done settling, she took another glance at the room, now decorated with some of her things she felt more at home.

The elevator dinged and the doors slid open, Ellie peaked out and saw a rush of people come out, at least eight people, and for the next fifteen minutes more and more people got off the elevator. Ellie started to become overwhelmed with nerves, because as their new boss she had to give a speech this morning at nine am. The clock turned to eight forty-four and all of a sudden she heard someone rushing around the office, she looked outside her office and saw a young adult rushing around, papers flying as she was hustling to her desk. Ellie had a feeling it was Alice, and if it was, then Don wasn't wrong. Ellie giggled to herself as she saw the women finally sitting down and getting herself organized, Ellie turned back into her office, and sat down to think about what she was going to say to her team.

As the clock struck nine am, Ellie was ready for her speech, but she was still understandably nervous. As she walked to the conference room she admired how busy everyone was at work, she hoped that they would work just as hard with her being the new leader. She approached the conference room, turned around to face the people busy at their work then she said aloud, "Hello Everyone! I'm your new boss and the new head of market designing, if you all would be so kind as to make your way in the conference room, that would be wonderful!". Slowly, but surely everyone got up, made their way to the room, found a chair and took a seat. Ellie walked to the front of the room ready as ever to do her speech, but as she was about to start she looked out at all the people, there were at least twenty people in the room, she started to choke up a little bit, but her confident side finally kicked in and took over. "I can do this, this is what I've been studying for the past six years. I've got this!" She thought to herself with determination.

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