Chapter 4

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When she arrived at the bar, she walked in and looked around for her friends, she checked by the bar, which was brand new, it seemed as if the whole place was just built, it was so modern and well designed. When she approached the bar she saw Alice with Layla and a few other people, they had just gotten there and started ordering their drinks. "Hey Alice!!!" , "Ellie!!!! You're here! What do you want to drink? First round is on me!" , "OH! Thank you! I'll take a Titos and Cranberry!" , "Coming right up. Let me introduce you to my friends, they are all from the office so you have probably seen them around! Well you know Layla, this is Leah-", Ellie looked at Leah, who was similar is age to herself and Alice, "-Leah is the owner of the company's assistant, his name is Don Posei, he is HOT, you'll know its him when you see him." , "I have met him, he is very-", Ellie was about to agree, but didn't want to seem unprofessional, so she desperately thought of something to say, "- very nice!" , "Mhm, sure, that's definitely what you were gonna say.". Alice replied with a wink and continued introducing her to the others, "This is Emma from general marketing, you met her yesterday for a brief moment, and this is her boyfriend Mark who works in general marketing too. And this is Mary and Timmy from the design group!" , "Well thank you for such a great introduction! I can't wait to get to know more about you guys!". Everyone grabbed their drinks, and headed to the lounge area.

Ellie turned to Emma and Mark who were sitting so close to each other, they were practically sitting on each other's lap. "So how long have you two been together?" , "Well a funny story we were in college together, and when Save the Sea's and get the Ocean in Order opened we both got jobs here and then one thing led to another and we started dating. The company opened about four years ago, so I'd say we have been dating for a little under four years.", Emma talked about her relationship with so much love, Ellie could tell they would probably get married soon. "Wow!! What are the odds! That's great that you two are together! You guys look great together." , "Thanks Ellie! So, what about you, do you have a special someone?". For a split second Ellie's mind thought of Don, she thought to herself, no, no, he is my boss I can't like him. But as she replied her cheeks got all rosy, "Um, no, not at the moment." , "Oh you totally like someone, who is it? Is it someone in the office?", All Ellie could do was sit there as her cheeks turned more and more red. "Ohhhhh it is totally someone in the office-" , "Alright Emma that's enough teasing our new boss.", Mark said with a laugh and smile.

After talking with Mark and Emma, Ellie mingled with everyone else for a few hours, until she checked her watch and saw that it was nine. She started saying her goodbyes to everyone in the group. As Ellie was leaving the bar she saw two drunk, older looking guys, she was in no means looking for any trouble, so she started walking faster to her car, but as she started speeding up she felt someone grab her arm. She looked back and it was one of the drunks guys, "Hey! What are you doing? Please let me go I'm not looking for trouble." , "Neither are we baby, so let's just have some fun.". The drunk man started dragging Ellie back towards the other man. Ellie was never in any trouble as a kid and never got into any sort of physical fights, so she never had to take any defense classes, because of that she didn't know what to do or how to fight them off. Ellie was terrified as he was dragging her light body, "Please sir just let me go, I won't tell anyone, just let me go please!" , "Where is the fun in that? Why would I let a beauty like you go, come on doll let's have some fun.". Ellie was not only terrified but disgusted by the man, she hated the way he was slurring his words and stumbling as he was dragging her. The man was only a few more steps away from the other guy, then Ellie heard an oddly familiar voice, she just couldn't pin it, and it was too dark to see the person. "HEY! Let go of her, you dirtbag!" , "Why would I do that, what are you gonna do, it's two against one. Come on tough guy, give it your best shot.". The man who was defending Ellie started to jog over, Ellie could start to see the frame of the man, then the two drunk guys went over to the man, the man threw the first punch and the one drunk guy landed on his ass so fast, but got up quickly, Ellie wanted to see who this guy was so she crept a little closer still not able to see she got closer, as she was walking up the man was still beating the guys up, one of the drunk guys was out cold, but the other was still trying. Then when the mystery man hit the drunk guy, he stumbled back and knocked Ellie off her feet, she closed her eyes waiting for impact, and just as she was about to hit the ground, the mystery man caught her. She opened her eyes and looked up into the man's beautiful, greenish, blue eyes. She knew in an instant who it was, she couldn't get herself to say anything, then he said to her, "Are you ok Ellie?" , "Thank you, yes, but only thanks to you Don.". She was stunned about everything that just unfolded before her. "How about I walk you to your car." , "Sure, thank you. ". As they arrived at her car Ellie had about a million questions for Don, but before she got anything out, he said, "I need to tell you something, but it comes with a long story and you will have many questions, so I think it would be best if you went home and I promise to tell you tomorrow morning." , "Look, I don't know what you need to tell me, but before anything else happens I need to know how you knew where I was, are you stalking me or something?!" , "Oh gosh no, I was at the supermarket next-door, I left work a little while ago and need to pick up a few things, and in fact I didn't even know it was you over here I just saw someone being forced to do something the didn't want to do, so I came over to make sure they, well you, were ok." , "Oh ok, sorry I didn't mean to offend you, thank you for helping me. I don't know what would've happened without you." , "It's not a problem and honestly I would've been freaked out to if my boss came to save me, it's a really odd coincidence." , "Yeah it is, thanks again, I'll see you tomorrow morning!" , "It's not a problem, see you tomorrow.".

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