Chapter 9

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Ellie woke up at six-forty, she never minded waking up early, but since she didn't fall asleep till after twelve she was feeling a bit groggy. She walked into the bathroom to start her morning routine, she washed her face, brushed her teeth, and combed her hair. She didn't have a whole new outfit with her, so she put on the jeans she was wearing the day before and used Don's black tee-shirt for a half tucked, half untucked look. She put her socks and sneakers on and left her room to go downstairs since it was now seven.

As she made her way downstairs she could smell cinnamon French toast. She followed the scent into the kitchen, it was the first time she saw the kitchen in the gargantuan house, it was modern and had such a clean look. She saw Don sitting at the island and Des was wearing a funny chef's apron as he was attempting to make the French toast. "Morning guys." Ellie said with a smile and a wave. "Good morning Ellie! Would you like to try some of my French Toast?" , "Ellie spare yourself, it's nasty." , "But he went through all the trouble to make them, I owe it to him to at least try them.". Ellie chuckled, and Des slid her a plate with two pieces on it. She used the fork to cut off a piece and shoved it in her mouth. Just smile, don't laugh or throw up. Ellie thought to herself as she force fed herself a few more bits, "Good job Des!". She put her fork down and gave him two thumbs up. Don laughed, "Ok Ellie are you ready to go?" , "Yes I am!" , "But Don she didn't finish her breakfast!" , "Oh it's ok Des, I'm not a big breakfast person." , "Oh ok! Have a nice day you two!". Ellie and Don left the kitchen and walked to the front door, "Thank you Don, you're a lifesaver." , "I knew you hated it." Don couldn't help but let out a laugh, "I mean it's so nice of him to try, but I think he should stick to his Godly duty's.". Don laughed even harder this time as they walked out of the front door.

They started to head to the garage, but before they got to close Ellie stopped, "Nope." , "What, what's wrong?" , "Nothing is wrong, but I'm driving, let's take my car!" , "Okie dokie, just don't kill me alright." , "Don't worry, everything will be fine!!", They walked to Ellie's car and hopped in.

She turned on the car and the monster engine roared, Don grabbed the handle and Ellie put the pedal to the medal letting the car run. She got on the main road and floored the gas pedal, needless to say they were sailing. The thirty minute drive to the office shortened to twenty, when they arrived Don let out a huge exhale. "Hey what was that for!?" , "That was for me being terrified.". Ellie laughed as the both got up from the car. They walked into the building and went up to Don's floor to get a drink. When they sat down they decided to work out more details in their plan, "So today tell your team that you are having an office meeting tonight before they leave, have it start at five, and I'll come down to help you and explain to them the details. Before the meeting, I don't care when, but just make sure she knows that you're leaving and she is going to help you stay uncharge while you're away." , "Ok I can do that! What about my dad and sister?" , "After the meeting you and I can leave and head to your house. Z will meet us there with Nina and Leroy. When we leave Z will just have to squeeze into your car with us. Does that plan work for you?" , "Yeah that sounds fine! Also where was he this morning?" , "My brother is a man of many things, but he is not a morning person in the slightest." , "Ah makes sense!". Ellie giggled and looked at the time, it was already eight-ten, "Ok, I'm going to head downstairs, I'll see you at five!" ,"Yes, see you then! Just call me if you feel unsafe or something." , "Ok I will!". Ellie walked to the elevator and waited for the doors to open, when they did she walked in and was on her way to her office.

Ellie got to her office and started getting all her work out. She wanted to work on as much as she could before she left so she wouldn't have to bring home too much extra paperwork. I'll work on all the longer tasks in the morning and save the short ones to bring back home, or Don's house. She didn't know what to even call it since she didn't know how long she would have to stay there. She pushed away her gloomy thoughts and started her work.

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