Bonus Chapter

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A month passed and Ellie and Don continued to get their morning drinks every morning and they spent more and more time together. Then one Saturday when Ellie was hanging out with Don and Z stopped by. "Ellie! I'm so happy to see you again. I had a feeling you two would be here, so I was wondering if you wanted to meet my and Des's family?" , "Yes!! I would love that!" , "Ok, we are going to teleport to my house, Des and his family are already there.". As soon as Z said that Ellie felt herself being transported quite a distance.

When they arrived Ellie could tell as soon as they got there she was now in heaven. She stood before Z's house. It was like the white house, but bigger, more like a palace. "This is beautiful Z." , "Thanks! Let's go in!". They all went inside and Ellie met everyone, she got along with everyone and everyone loved her too. Her favorite person she met though, was Des's eldest daughter, her name is Macaria, but Cari for short. She talked to her about many things and decided they would hang out more often. After they were finished eating, Z had something important to tell her, "So Ellie me and some other Gods have been trying to find the right thing to name your kind, and I think we have it. We'll call you, Godment. Since you aren't a God, but you also aren't just a small fragment we call you something in-between, so God-Ment. Also we found out that like Gods, you will live forever.". Ellie was excited that she had gotten a special name and she didn't know how to feel about being alive..... forever. She thanked everyone for thinking of it and finding the information and for a great night.

After they were all done with dinner, Don teleported them back to his house. "Hey, I know it's late, but do you want to go for a walk?" , "Yeah, let's do it". They started walking to their special place and the place where not so long ago everything went down. When they arrived Ellie looked over the edge with a sign of relief and a smile as she watched the sun melt into the molasses sky. She turned around to look at Don, but when she did he was on his knee behind her, "Ellie, I know we have only been dating for a month, but it seems like an eternity. Will you make me the happiest God alive and marry me?" , "Don, yes absolutely.". She stood up and slid the ring on her finger, it was a silver band with an icy blue diamond. They walked back to the house both of them elated.

Ellie came home the next morning and told Malory and her father the exciting news, she told them that the wedding would be in two months from that day. She knew it was soon, but she couldn't wait to start the rest of her life with the man she loved.

The next few months went by and she was busy planning her extravagant wedding. She was happy she had Malory and Alice to help her plan it. A week before the wedding she decided to let Malory in on her little secret, she invited her to Don's house where they sat down in the living room where Ellie started to explain everything, "So... Malory.... I have something to tell you." , "You're pregnant?" , "What no... oh my gosh.". Ellie laughed and continued to tell Malory everything about her powers and what had happened a few months ago, she also told her about Don, Z, Des, and their families. She felt Malory should know since they would all be at the wedding. "Wow, that is a lot to take in. Are you sure you're not just freaking nuts?" , "Yup!". Ellie went on to show Malory a few of her powers and she watched in disbelief. "That's awesome Ellie!". Ellie thanked her for being so understanding and Ellie answered every other question that Malory had for her.

The next week passed like a breeze, Ellie got her dress in and the location of the wedding was all set up. The day of her wedding Ellie had Malory and Alice help her get dressed and when it was time to walk down the aisle, Ellie stopped to take everything in. At the end of the aisle she saw her stunningly handsome soon to be husband, she looked to his left and she saw her bridesmaids, Alice, Malory, Cari, and Z's wife Hera, who she had gotten close to over the past few months and thought of her almost like a mother figure. Don's groomsmen were Des, Z, and Leroy. Don's jaw dropped as he saw Ellie walking towards him in her icy blue dress with silver sparkles, her hair was pulled slightly back but still flowing behind her. Her dad walked her down the aisle and handed her off to Don, who had the biggest smile in the world. They finished up the wedding and went to the after party, which was a blast with everyone. They finished up the night and went home, the next day Ellie and Don were to leave to go on a honeymoon to Fiji.

A few weeks after their honeymoon everything went back to normal, Ellie was loving her life living with Don, she spent almost all of her time with him and couldn't love him more. She continued working as the boss in her office and when people found out she was now married to Don they were, to say the least shocked. But Ellie in no way was trying to hide it, she was proud to be called Ellie Ama Posei.

The End

Ellie and Don will return in other stories.

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